Episode 8

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On the other side

[At Jungkook's mansion, his parents arrange a dinner with Jungkook's fiancee. So his fiance, his parents and Jungkook's parents were all in the room. Everyone was happily talking about the wedding and soon his fiance showed some photos which left Jungkook speechless and his parents angry.

His father gets up from his seat and walks towards Jungkook, the poor boy retracing his steps. His lips are trembling so much that he longs for someone to save him now. His back hits against the wall and his father was staring at him with burning eyes. Jungkook's dad grabbed Jungkook's cheek hard and made him look at him. Tears continued to flow from his eyes]

Mr. Jeon: You piece of s*it, how dare you? I worked so hard to build this Jeon Empire, but did you intend to give this empire so easily to those Kims? Do I look like a dumbass? Did you think I was stupid?

[Saying this he slaps the poor boy and Jungkook falls to the ground. Everyone was sipping their drink in the living room as if nothing had happened and no one was trying to help the poor guy. Mr.Jeon again raise his hand to slap him but stopped when Jungkook's phone rang. He took the call and put it on speaker. They all listened to Taehyung's statement]

Present Time

[Now Jungkook was preparing for his wedding with his love, for whom he left everything. He still hasn't told Taehyung about his pregnancy. He planned to surprise Taehyung after the wedding. So, no one know about it except Yoongi and Jin. He was deep in thought, but was brought out of it when he heard a knock at the door. He opened the door and Jimin entered in]

Jimin: Are you ready, Jungkook? Everyone is waiting for you

Kook: Hyung, is all the media here? What is its need?

Jimin: What do you mean Jungkook The heirs of leading companies are getting married today, so it's necessary. (Someone knocked on the door and entered) Kai hyung, do you need something?

Kai: No. They told me to bring the bride and that's why I came. Are you ready, ........... Jungkook? wow, you are eternal. Everyone will be faint after seeing you

Kook: (blush) Hyung, please stop I'm already so nervous (whines)

Jimin: Well, who will take Jungkook to the aisle? It was supposed to be his father but he didn't show up, who would do that? (Jungkook's smile fell, which Kai didn't fail to notice)

Kai: Yoongi Hyung has already prepared everything, he doesn't want anything to go wrong with his brother's wedding. Come, Jungkook
(He gently took Jungkook's hand and walked to the door. There his father was already waiting for them) Jungkook, meet my dad. He and Jin Hyung's father are brothers. My dad will walk with you the aisle.

[I already mentioned Taehyung's dad as Mr.Kim, so I will refer to Kai's dad as Mr.Kim2]

Mr.Kim2: Hello, Jungkook son. shall we go (He moves his hand forward but Jungkook hugs him and Kai tightly) Don't ruin your makeup with tears son, you can cry as much as you want but later. Come on now

[skip a bit]

Priest: Jeon Jungkook, do you take Kim Taehyung to be your husband?

Kook: (shy smile) I do

Priest: Kim Taehyung, do you take Jeon Jungkook to be your husband?

Tae: (took a deep breath) I ...... NO (everyone shocked)

Priest: I ask again.... Kim Taehyung, do you take Jeon Jungkook to be your husband?

Tae: NO........ (tears gathered in Jungkook's eyes) I am sorry, not sorry. I really have no feelings for you. It's JUST A PLAY, nothing more. I fell in love with you in the beginning, but I fell out of love later. (whispered to Jungkook) You're so clingy, I don't like boys like you. But I had to do some drama for my dad. You're so innocent Jungkook, I thought it would be hard to make you fall for me, but you fell in love with me within two weeks. I want to say that you are very annoying. And most importantly you are not good in bed. My father's dream of destroying Jeon's only heir had finally come true. Oh I forgot the most important thing, you are homeless, right? For me, you left your mansion, your luxurious life, your parents. where will you go I have a perfect plan, if you like you can be my sugar baby, I will provide for your needs. I'm not as heartless as you think so don't worry I won't tell anyone about it after you become my sugar baby. Take your time to think (to media) I Kim Taehyung canceling the wedding, as I am fell out of love. Now I have no feelings for Jungkook, so I'm canceling this wedding. you all can go. I'm really sorry Jungkook. May you get a better groom in future.

[After saying this, he walked down the aisle, leaving a shocked Jungkook standing there. Tears continued to fall from Jungkook's eyes. He didn't know what to do or say. He feels left out in this cruel world. He left his everything only for Taehyung, but that Taehyung left him for everything. His hands automatically went to his stomach. In a minute his world collapsed at his feet.

Moments ago, he had many dreams about his future with his lover and the baby in his womb. But now he had no thoughts, his mind was blank. He understood now that he was too innocent for this world as everyone had said. But it's too late to correct himself.]

Jimin: You can all go back because the wedding you were all looking forward to has been cancelled. Don't worry, you can all catch up on what you missed today, At my wedding

[Every guest and media started to leave, but they stopped when they heard a voice]

??: (deep voice) Everyone wait. You all came to see Kim's heir wedding with Jeon's heir, right? Now the wedding you have been looking forward to will definitely happen and after seeing it you can leave (After saying this, he walked towards the aisle and stood at Taehyung's place) Jungkook, if you trust me, agree to marry me. I will protect your child and give him my initial (whispered)

Kai: Mom do you have the rings which I bought yesterday for present? (His mom nodded) Priest, you can start the marriage from the beginning.

Mr.Kim: Yoongi, you can't do this

Yoongi: I can and I will...... I'm not your puppet son Kim Taehyung, so keep your orders with you. You know very well that if I make up my mind I won't listen to anyone

Jimin: Do you choose that boy over me? You said I was more important to you than anyone else

Yoongi: Priest, please begin the rituals

Priest: (shakes his head) Kim Yoongi, d...... (cut off by Yoongi)

Yoongi: Not Kim Yoongi...... from on now Min Yoongi...... (His mother's father's surname is Min)

Priest: So many problems, I have never seen so much chaos in any marriage (sigh) Min Yoongi, do you take Jeon Jungkook as your lawful husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad times, in sickness and in health to love him and to honor him all days of your life

Yoongi: (looked at Jungkook's tummy) I.. do

Priest: Jeon Jungkook, do you take Min Yoongi as your lawful husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad times, in sickness and in health to love him and to honor him all days of your life

Kook: (looked at the shocked Taehyung and Jimin. He wipped his tears harshly) I do

[Both exchanged the rings given by Kai. Kai and his parents were the only ones relieved by this marriage. Yoongi's family, Jimin and his parents were watching the scene with undefined expressions]

Priest: I here pronounced you are married now, to be together till the end you may kiss now (he bows and left. Yoongi looked at Jimin one last time and sighed. He moved closer to Jungkook lightly pecked on his forehead. But to everyone's shock, Jungkook kissed Yoongi on the cheek)

• What do you think, should Jungkook forgive Taehyung in the upcoming episodes?
• And in next episode I will tell about what happened at Jungkook's house after Taehyung's call. So wait for next episode

Vote me......

Words: 1419

Just a play - Yoonkook ✔️✔️ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now