Episode 7

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[It's been a month since Taekook took the last and most important step in their relationship. Everything seems to be going well but no. Jungkook had felt nauseous for a week, but he shrugged it off as it was nothing compared to the problem he was facing now. His parents started forcing him to marry the person of their choice.

Obviously, they chose a 32-year-old man for their only 18-year-old son based on money. His parents fixed his marriage for the next week. Like I said before Jungkook is a very innocent boy so he doesn't have the guts to tell them his love. But no matter how much he shrugged aside, his body it wasn't a working machine. His little brain had been under so much stress for a few days that he started skipping his meals. Now all this makes him faint in the library. No one was there except Jin.

He quickly called Yoongi because he was the only one that came to his mind first. Now both are standing outside the medic room because the nurse was examine Jungkook. They both went inside as the nurse called them. When they go inside, they find dazed Jungkook starting to regain consciousness]

Jin: (He walked over to Jungkook and gently held his hands) Is Jungkook okay now? You scared me to the hell. what happened to you

Nurse: Let me say. He was one month pregnant and he had skipped his meals that's  why he fainted. You can take him with you, he is fine now. But make sure he don't skip his meals anymore, not for him, but for the baby

[After saying this she walks out and Yoongi and Jin walk towards Jungkook who has tears in his eyes. His tiny hands were rubbing his flat stomach over his tee]

Yoongi: (cleared his throat) Did you already know about this? (Jungkook shook his head 'no') So Taehyung doesn't know about it either

Jin: (pecked Jungkook’s forehead) When are you going to tell him about this?

Jungkook: Soon, but not now. Please don't tell him about this, hyung. I want to tell him about this myself. I want to see his reactions

Yoongi: Well we won't but don't you dare skip your meals from now on, not for you and not for your baby. understand?

Kook: (little smile) I won’t, hyung

At Kim mansion


Mrs.Kim: Honey calm down, why are you so angry? What did he do? He is not Yoongi who will always act against you, so please talk to him calmly……. Taehyung baby, come down….. Dad wants to ask you something very important.

[After a few minutes both Taehyung and Yoongi came downstairs from their room. Mr. and Mrs. Kim were waiting for Taehyung in the living room. Taehyung went in front of his parents, but Yoongi was a little further away from them]

Tae: Did you call me, dad?

Mr.Kim: Taehyung, you know very well that you are my favorite of my three sons, right? So I want to hear your honest answer, not a lie, understand? So let me ask you. Do you and Jeon's son love each other?

[Taehyung gulps his saliva, Yoongi crosses his arms over his chest and watches the scene in silence. At first Taehyung decided to lie but he gathered some courage to tell his dad everything]

Tae: (took deep breath) Yes, dad I love him. We have been dating for two months. If you tell me to forget him, sorry dad I won't do it. (He pretends he's not afraid of his dad, but inside he's scared)

Mr.Kim: (disappointment voice) How can you do this? You have deceived me like your brothers. I thought my Taehyung wouldn't do anything without my knowledge. You know very well who he is, don't you? Didn't you remember my face when you proposed him?

[Tears started to fall from Taehyung's eyes and Yoongi still didn't say anything. He knew very well that this was not right time to talk. He grabbed his father's legs as his father got up from the seat and started walking away. Yoongi tried to walk towards them, his brother's cries pained him a lot, but he somehow managed to calm himself down. Taehyung cried his heart out and said in his sobbing voice]

Tae: Please dad, I love him so much. I cannot live without him, I will die. I know you hate his dad, but I'm sure you'll love Jungkook if you meet him. Please at least meet him before making a decision, for me dad….for your Taehyung. If you don't like him after meeting him, I won't force you to agree

[His voice caught in his throat. He didn't know what to say. Now the living room was filled with pin drop silence and only Taehyung's cries could be heard. He hiccupped so much that it hurt the other three. Being the last child of this family, he has a special place in everyone's heart]

Mrs.Kim: (worried) Honey, Please look at him. I can't see him like this please agree. He is our Taehyung, accept their love for him

[Mr. Kim freed his legs from Taehyung's grip and started to walk towards his room, but stopped after he opened the door. He said before entering the room]

Mr.Kim: I will arrange your marriage with him in two days because his father is already fixed his marriage with someone. Ask him to come with you, if he agrees to this then  I will agree. But if he doesn't agree you should marry anyone I choose.

[After saying that, he went inside and closed the door. Big smiles appeared on the faces of the other three present at this living room. Taehyung runs to his mother, wiping away his tears. He hugs her tightly and hides himself in her embrace. Yoongi felt very happy for his brother. Because he was sure Jungkook would agree. Without wasting a second, Taehyung called Jungkook and told him everything]

Tae: I know your parents won't approve of this but don't worry I'm here for you. Get ready I will pick you up from your home in 15 minutes. (He hung up without waiting for Jungkook's answer. He happily grabbed his car keys and ran out of his mansion. Yoongi shook his head before walking towards his room)

To be continue.......

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Words : 1086

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