Episode 14

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On the otherside

[After visiting his parents, Kai came back to meet his friends and brothers. Now they were all at Namjin's house. After dinner the three brothers went to the balcony to talk alone.]

Yoongi: (looking at the sky) How are they now? Do you know anything about them?

Kai: (sighed) I met them too, but none of them changed a bit. And yet they love money above all else

Jin: What about Taehyung?

Kai: (chuckled at him and replies) Even after all he's done, you two still worry about him.

Jin: No one can change the fact that he is our little brother. I still remember the first time Dad brought him home from the hospital after he was born. He was so small and cute, now he's grown into a man, but he still seems to me the same child he was when I first met him. (Tears welled up in his eyes as he said this. Yoongi hugged him tightly) He may hate us but we cannot hate him. I love him more than Yoongi. After my marriage with Namjoon, I haven't had a chance to talk to him and it's killing me inside. I miss him, Yoongi. There is no one to care about him there.

Kai: (sighed) No need to worry about him, hyung. He excels as a CEO, a son, a husband and a father. After your dad and Jimin's dad merged their two companies together, they gave Taehyung special training. Now he is performing well as a great CEO as they all expected.

Jin: The news is saying that they both have a son, is it true? Did they start giving their marriage a chance on their own or was it forced again by their parents?

Kai: Yet they did not accept each other as husbands, but they did not want to be separated, for the sake of their son. Their son isn't theirs, remember when Taehyung called off his marriage to Jungkook and mentioned he had a girlfriend?

Yoongi: (rolled his eyes) Yes, yes......and he said the girl was pregnant with his child, what happened to the child and the girl?
Kai: Actually the baby is not his, she is a gold digger. She says someone's baby is his. He also started to develop a deep love for the child even before the child was born, but she tells him the truth when she learns that Taehyung won't marry her only wants his child. Taehyung broke up with her but he couldn't forget the baby so he and Jimin adopted the baby as their own. No one knows including your parents, only Taehyung, Jimin and the baby's mother. Your parents think the baby is Taehyung's.

Yoongi/Jin: (rolled their eyes) We know them well

Yoongi: And Kai, you have an important work to do

Kai: What is it hyung, tell me what I should do

Yoongi: Today someone comes to Hyung cafe and tells Hyung that she works for XXX model company. Seeing Jin Hyung as she pays the bill, she offers Hyung an opportunity to work with them as a new model in a new mobile product that XXX will release.

Kai: Now, I have to inquire about the company, how are the people working there, and then whether it is safe to work there, you are going to tell me this, right? Give me two days and I will inquire

With Yoonkook

[Jungkook took a shower and came out of the bathroom. He walked towards the living room wiping his wet hair with a towel. There he noticed his son and his husband plays together. His son is on hhi husband's lap. It was then that his eyes fell on his husband's tattoo, which Yoongi had tattooed on his arms only a year ago. Somehow he found it very attractive.

After their marriage, they had no intimation or attraction to each other and for the first time he was attracted to her husband. He was lost in his husband's tattoo, so he did not notice his husband calling him. When there was no response from the younger, Yoongi turned and looked at Jungkook. Now he was mesmerized by the younger's beauty. He knows that younger is true beauty, but with wet hair he looks eternal. The two flinched and looked away as Yeonjun giggled loudly]

Kook: (with red cheeks) Hyung, now you go take a shower, I'll take care of Yeonjun

Yoongi: (embarrassed) yeah ok.......... (He left and Jungkook sat on the couch with his son on his lap. He spoke looking at his son)

Kook: (little voice) Yeonie, did you see your dad's tattoo? It's attractive, isn't it? I never thought it was so attractive, that tattoos look perfect on your dad's arms.

??: Honestly, like you I also didn't notice until now (deep voice)

[Jungkook's eyes widened when he heard this deep voice and he turned his head to see his husband standing behind the sofa he was sitting on. He didn't know what to answer so he kept blinking]

Yoongi: (smirked) Is the blinking over? If yes, then can you tell me where you put my towel, I can't find it. (Jungkook stayed quite as not knowing what to say) Jungkook, where's my towel? (yoongi shakes him a little)

Jungkook: (looked away to hide his embarrassment) On the left shelf  (Yoongi shakes his head and goes to take a shower, Jungkook hits his head in embarrassment) What would he have thought of me? How shameless I am. How can you say this without shame, Jungkook? Shame on you. First I looked at his tattoo like a hot meal, now this...... ahhhhhhhhh............. wait a minute.......but I'm his husband, so I have full rights, then why should I be embarrassed?

[This time he was saying all this so quietly that he didn't even hear to himself. His son looks at his papa, as if his papa has lost his senses. Moments later the two were brought out of their thoughts when someone's phone rang. They both flinch and notice it's Yoongi's phone. Before Jungkook could pick up the phone, Yoongi came out of the shower and picked up the phone. He walks away from his family to attend the phone, but Jungkook clearly sees the caller ID before Yoongi went away]

Kook: Ji-Ho?........ (widen eyes) Idol Ji-Ho?

Next day:

[The next evening Yoongi and Namjoon went to their studio to make music as usual. Jungkook's filming ended today, so he decided to visit 'YJ Studio' before going home. As he walked into the studio, he noticed Yoongi talking to a girl in a revealing dress while working on laptop. He couldn't see her face because her back was towards him, but he somehow guessed that it was the idol, Ji-ho who was the  one called Yoongi last night. He waits for them to finish their speeches. He stomps his foot little to the ground with a sigh, but looks up when he hears]

Joon: Hey, Kookie....... What are you doing here?

Kook: I am waiting for them to finish (he points Yoongi and Ji-ho)
Joon: (rolled his eyes) Do you know anything about her? (Jungkook shakes his head no) You can tell she likes Yoongi hyung for over 7 years. (Jungkook widened his eyes) She proposed to him many times, but hyung always rejected her politely.

Kook: (pout angrily) oooohhhhh.......... That's why she talking this much time........ But how do they know each other?

Joon: Aren't you also from a elite family? Don't you know, meeting celebrities is so easy for you, guys......... (Jungkook's eyes never left Yoongi and Ji-ho, Namjoon noticed this and chuckled  before saying) Don't worry, yoongi hyung is only yours, you are his husband and he is tough guy. He is not easy to get like his brother Jin (Namjoon walked over to Yoongi and Ji-ho and said) Hyung, your husband Jungkook is here to meet you...........

[After saying this, he noticed how irritated Ji-ho suddenly became. He smiled politely and walked back towards Jungkook]

Ji-Ho: Because of that stupid boy, you are now in this situation. (she said angrily. Yoongi got angry hearing this but he controlled himself but said in his deep voice)

Yoongi: Do you have a problem with this? I think, we've talked for so long, you should go back or you'll get scolded by your manager. (She tried to say something but Yoongi wouldn't let her) Go. now, before. I. lose. All. My. Temper.

Ji-Ho: I'm going but don't forget the offer I gave you and your brother-in-law (Namjoon)

(She left the studio but didn't forget to give Jungkook the death stare who looked like a lost child)

To be continue.....

Words: 1466

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