Episode 16

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10 years later

[Today is Sunday so Yoongi and Jungkook are at home today. Yoongi was sitting on the living room couch writing lyrics while his son was playing next to him. Jungkook came from the kitchen holding a bowl of food]

Kook: Yeoni, open your mouth like a good boy, mom will feed you..... Hyung, after feeding him I'll prepare our break fast, you won't mind, right?

Yoongi: (smiled at him) No problem. Should I prepare break fast if you are busy?

Kook: No need, hyung. You have a lot of work and I am free so I will. You continue your work...... Yeoni don't make mom angry, eat (He feeds his son with his hands, don't ask me why because I also didn't know) Eat baby, play after eating

(But Yeonjun was in no mood to eat, so he turned side to side to avoid being fed by his mom)

Kook: Look Yeoni, your parents are hungry too. In a few minutes my stomach will start growling, please eat baby (Yeonjun shakes his head with a giggle) Yes, I gave birth to you. Do you know how painful it was during childbirth? I endured everything for you but now you refuse to obey me (A cute pout formed on his face, making Yoongi laugh) Why are you laughing, hyung?

Yoongi: (chuckled) I can't believe you are his mother and I can't see any difference between you two. You continue to feed him, I will prepare breakfast today

[Saying that, he got up from his seat and walked towards the kitchen. Jungkook was looking at the faded figure with amused eyes. How can a man be perfect in every way? Somehow he felt very lucky to have a husband like Yoongi. He may have faced many problems in the past but now he has a beautiful family. The problems he went through were more than worth it to have such a perfect family, A perfect husband and a bubbly son.......

If anyone was in Yoongi's place, they would have tried to take advantage of their relationship or take their relationship to the next level, but Yoongi never did. Yoongi never acted in a way that made Jungkook feel uncomfortable. Now he understands that why Jin always talks about Yoongi like a proud mother, he raised him well. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Yoongi called him]

Yoongi: (from kitchen) Jungkook, did you forget, Jin hyung invited you to go shopping with him today. Come breakfast is ready.

Kook: (shout back) Yeah, I totally forgot about that hyung, wait I'm coming your son hasn't finished his breakfast yet (Yoongi walked over to him and took the bowl from his husband's hand and picked up his son from the couch)

Yoongi: Have breakfast Hyung will call you anytime. Come on champ, let appa feed you today, okay. (Jungkook followed as Yoongi walked into the kitchen with his son in his arms. He placed his son on the dining table and stood to feed his son. Jungkook started. Eat, but his entire focus is on his son and his husband)

Kook: Hyung, when will you eat? Let him starve a little, and then he himself will cry to feed him. (Yeonjun looked at his mother with a angry pout) Why are you looking at me like that brat, won't he be hungry if you takes so long to eat (Yeonjun laughs and Yoongi worries as Jungkook suddenly chokes on his food)

Yoongi: (stern) Yeonie, Don't laugh. (Yeonjun pout) Are you okay Jungkook....... (He walked towards him and gave him a case of water while patting him on the back to calm him down) Raising two children alone is very difficult (he said dramatically, and went back to his son)

Kook: (whines) Hyung I'm not a kid. Don't compare me to that brat, I'm better than that brat. (Yoongi shakes his head)

Few minutes later

[Yeonjun hadn't finished eating yet, he was playing with the food. Jungkook was sure that Yoongi must have been hungry. So he finished his meal and went near his husband with a plate of food]

Just a play - Yoonkook ✔️✔️ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now