Episode 10

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Yoongi: I loved Jimin with all my heart but not anymore. Both of you are blinded by money and fame. Let's see what your future looks like after cheating on an innocent boy like Jungkook.
[Saying this, he and Jungkook left the place. Kai and his parents ask them to stay with them, but Yoongi doesn't want his parents to disturb the Kai family. So he decided to stay with Namjinhope for a few days. Now he and Jungkook were on their way to Namjin's house in Kai's car. Kai was driving the car, Yoongi was in the passenger seat, and Jungkook was in the back seat. As Jungkook looked outside, the scenes had happened in his house two days ago flashed through his mind]

Flash back

Mr.Jeon: So now you plan to run away from this house with him. Do you think he loves you? He only wants your body and your daddy's money. Otherwise why would he fall in love with an annoying guy like you?

Kook: (sobbing) No he loves me. He loves me more than anything. He would do anything for me. Money and my body are not important to him. You think I'm an annoying guy, but he doesn't and never will

(Mr.Jeon again slapped him)

Mr.Jeon: Do you think I will let you to marry him? For that you have to go out of this mansion first. My people are full inside and outside this house, do you think it is easy to get out of this house? So marry the one I chose for you and forget Kim's son. When you have a child after marriage, you will accept everything, so prepare yourself for marriage

Kook: I already have Kim Taehyung's baby in my womb (again a slap sound echoed on the room)

Mr.Jeon: (grabbed Jungkook's hair) What did you say? Are you a whore? Did you sleep with that guy? You disgusting useless thing. Once Kim's blood entered your body, you lost everything as a Jeon. Get out of my house. But don't forget that the one for whom you did all this will throw you away. At that time you will understand your parents. No one will like an annoying clingy guy like you

[After saying this, he kicked Jungkook out of his house. Now Jungkook was thinking of every word others had used to describe him in these two days]

Present Time

Mr.Jeon/Tae: Annoying clingy boy, no one will love you.......... No one will love you............ no one......... (He was brought out of his thoughts when someone shook him lightly.)

Yoongi: (cold) If you've made up your mind, get out of the car and we're here. If not, you can continue your thoughts, but after going to your bed

[They were greeted by Namjin and now they were both in their rooms. Yoongi was in the living room and Jungkook shared the room with Jhope. Namjoon's house was small with one living room, a kitchen and two bedrooms. One room for him and Jin, the other for Jhope. So Jhope agreed to share his room with Jungkook and Yoongi had to sleep on the couch in living room. Jhope and Namjoon help Yoongi carry his luggage. As Jhope went to pick up the luggage, he was stopped by Kai]

Jhope: (sighed) Don't ask me about giving you a chance after all this has happened. I also thought of giving you a chance but after seeing your brother's actions I changed my mind. You rich people cannot understand the heart of others, you all know only about money. Don't drag me to the dirty rich world with you. Your world and the my world are different.

No matter how hard you try, you can't be us, and I never be you. So instead of following me and getting hurt, please leave me, Kai. Trust me you will meet someone from your world. And you will be happy. Be happy and let me too....

Just a play - Yoonkook ✔️✔️ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now