Episode 4

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Kook: (bunny smile) Thank you hyungie

[Saying goodbye to his friends, Jungkook and Jin, they came up to the roof to meet Yoongi who was already there, his back facing them. Jungkook squeezed Jin's hand out of nervousness. Jin smiled sweetly at him before calling his brother's name]

Jin: Yoongi (Yoongi turned to them, confused to see his brother here along with Jungkook) Don't look at us like that, you might scare him. He was so scared of you, that's why I came here with him

Yoongi: Do I look like a mafia? (raised eye brows)

Jin: More than a mafia. Even Taehyung is afraid of you, then what can you expect from this little boy

Yoongi: (sighed) ok I will come straight to the point. Are you interested in Taehyung? If yes, then forget it. I say this out of concern for you, you will be hurt in the end. So keep your distance from him. I am fully aware of him, looking at you, you are too pure for him. As his elder brother I can try to free you from him but the decision is yours and I cannot force anyone. If you believe you can change him I stay away from this. But don't forget, whatever happens in the future is your responsibility (left)

Jin: (patting Jungkook's back) Well, don't think why his brothers are the saying this, but everything Yoongi said was right. Think carefully and decide (left)

Kook: (in mind) Why is everyone warning me, he is being so nice and behaving with me. But everyone tells me to stay away from him. They say maybe because of the canteen incident. It's so hard to stay away from him, he's my crush how can I do it? Why can't I give him a chance, right? I've grown up, so I know what's right and what's wrong. I don't think it's a big deal to give him a chance.

[But little does he know that he is making a big stupid decision in his life. We are just like him, aren't we? In our teenage years, if someone told us "don't do that," we would do it right away. Jungkook was also at that age, making decisions without thinking twice. The one who warned him not to be too naïve, can play with his naivete who knows]

Time skip

[As Taehyung asked, Jungkook came to the rooftop after his class where Taehyung was already waiting for him. Jungkook walked towards him with small steps and playing with his fingers. He went near him and lightly tapped Taehyung on the shoulder as his back was facing him]

Tae: (smile) Oh hi Jungkook. I thought you wouldn't come.

Kook: (little smile) How can I reject someone's request? And you didn't ask me anything, you asked me to meet you alone, it's no big deal. Ahem, why did you call me hyung?

Tae: (smirks) Why so much eager, baby?

Kook: (blushed) I have to go home. Or mom would ask me questions about why I was late.

Tae: I've never seen your red face before, but I have to say you're looking ethernal with this red cheeks.

Kook: (blush) I..... I a..... am..... Go.... Going

[He starts to walk towards the stairs but before he can reach Taehyung pulls him by the wrist towards him. Jungkook bumped into Taehyung's well-built chest and he slowly looked up from Taehyung's chest to look at Taehyung's face. He looks so handsome in this angle. jungkook was lost in his thoughts]

Tae: (smirks) If you like me from this angle, you can sleep on my chest after our wedding, so you can see my face at night whenever you want.

[Jungkook snaps back to reality and pulls himself away from Taehyung slightly with red cheeks]

Tae: You're so shy, so I'll get straight to the point. Do you like to date me?

[Jungkook does not know what to say, he is very confused. Others advise him to stay away from Taehyung, but Taehyung is his crush. He is confused between his love and concern of others. As a teenage boy his love won out, so he agreed without any hesitation. But both do not know what their future holds for them]

Kook: I like too...... (blushes)

Tae: (boxy smile) really?

[In happiness, he hugs Jungkook without thinking. Jungkook is shocked but he too wants to hug Taehyung. So he hugged him back. They both stayed like that for a few minutes. After a few minutes Taehyung pulled back from the hug and cupped Jungkook's face]

Tae: I am so happy today bun........ (boxy smile) We can go on a date when you're free, okay?(Kissed on his forehead) Now give me your number, I want to hear your voice before sleep

Kook: (blushes) Hyung, you are so whipped......

Tae: Just for you baby bun...... (pulled him by his waist) And one more thing don't blush when we're alone, it's not good for your feet

Kook: (widen eyes) Prevert...... (ran out of the rooftop)


Kook: (shout back) TOMORROW

[Yoonmin was at a restaurant for dinner date. Jimin kept talking while Yoongi was deep in thought. His mind is completely occupied by Taehyung and his suspicious actions towards Jungkook. He knows very well that Jungkook isn't Taehyung's type, but why is he after him?]

Jimin: hyung....... Yoongi hyung.........

[Jimin kept calling out Yoongi, but he didn't get a response, so without thinking twice he connected their lips. Yoongi was taken back by the sudden kiss, but after came back to reality he pulled Jimin into his lap and deepened the kiss. They pulled back from the kiss due to lack of oxygen]

Yoongi: baby can I ask you something?

Jimin: (just nodded because he was breathing heavily)

Yoongi: Is there any motive behind Taehyung's actions?

Jimin: (shocked but manage) No hyung why are you suddenly asking this?

Yoongi: Because he won't do anything without telling you. And you know more about him than we do.

Jimin: He really loves that boy. There is no motive behind his actions

Yoongi: I believe you....... (saying this he again attached their lips)

On the other hand

Jhope: (annoyed) I'm going to kill that Kai one day

Joon: (chuckled) Why? What he did?
Jhope: See, he's sending me love emojis again. I'm done this guy

Joon: Jhope Don't get me wrong, can I ask you something as a brother? (Jhope nodded) Why don't you give him a chance? He loves you to death. I'm sure you won't regret giving him a chance

Jhope: (sighed) You know what, I love him too. But we can't be together..... (Namjoon tries to say something but Jhope stops him) Wait let me talk..... We're not his level. His pocket money is three times more than our monthly earnings. I am not strong enough to face the problems you faced (He ran towards his room crying.)

To Be Continue

Words: 1162

Just a play - Yoonkook ✔️✔️ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now