Episode 5

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[After fighting with his thoughts for two days, Jungkook decided to give Taehyung a chance. Two days ago Taehyung met Jungkook alone again and they both exchanged their phone numbers. So Jungkook sends a message to Taehyung to meet him on the rooftop. Now he was waiting for him on the rooftop and after a few minutes Taehyung arrived. He cleared his throat to get his attention because Jungkook's back was facing him]

Tae: ahemmm..... What do you have to say? Have you thought about my confession? I hope you will give a good answer. Y......... (cut off by Jungkook)

Kook: Hyung, let me speak first. Yes, I like you. (Taehyung smiles widely and hugged him suddenly. It startles him a little, but he calms down and hugs him back)

Tae: (still hugging) Now we're boyfriends, aren't we? (Jungkook hummed) I can say you are all mine. Okay, now let's go (pulled back from hug)

Kook: (confused) Where, hyungie?

Tae: For our first date, baby (This nickname makes Jungkook blush)

Kook: (blush) But hyung we have class and What about our family? It will cause big trouble if they find out about our love (worried)

Tae: (cupped JUngkook's face) do you trust me and our love (Jungkook nodded hastily)

Kook: What if they try to separate us? I know it's too early to say but you are my first love so I don't want to lose you and our love (tears gathered in his eyes)

Tae: (pecked his both eyes) I won't let them tear us apart, trust me. I won't..... (Soon his eyes fell on Jungkook's juicy lips. Jungkook nervously licks his lips as he notices the older looking at his lips. Cold blood ran down Jungkook's spine when Taehyung spoke in his deep voice) Can I

[He's still staring at his lips. Jungkook nervously nods because it will be his first kiss. Taehyung didn't waste a minute and pressed their lips together. Neither of them moved their lips, but soon Taehyung moved his. Jungkook was stayed silent because he didn't know how to kiss]

Tae: Try to move your lips with mine, baby.

[With this encouragement the younger tried to move his lips in sync with Taehyung's. Jungkook enjoyed the kiss, not only him but also Taehyung. But they both forgot that they were in college and about their classes. Taehyung Jackson and Jimin arrived, but they both left in a hurry]

Jack: What hell is he doing, Jimin? Did he out of his mind? (angry)

Jimin: (annoyed) Jackie, don't overreact, they were just kissing each other, why is this bothering you. Are you perhaps interested in him? (smirks)

Jack: (angry) Are you serious, Jimin? You're really out of your mind. I consider him my brother. Why am I telling you this, let it go... I'm going. But remember only one thing, don't play with innocent hearts just because you have a good future husband. I hope neither of you get hurt by your stupid activity. But karma always pays back.

[After saying that, he left leaving Jimin behind. Jimin was startled when he heard a deep voice from behind him. He calmed himself as soon as he noticed the man]

Jimin: (startled) H........Hyung, when did you come? you scared me

Yoongi: I came when Jackson said, "Karma always pays back." Why did he say that to you? Are you hiding something? (Jimin shakes his head no) Jimin baby, tell yourself before it's too late to right the wrongs. You know me well, don't you? Don't think that I will support you and your soul mate if something happens in the future. Now I'm bored, let's go on a date.

[Jimin was scared by Yoongi's warnings because he knew Yoongi well. If he says something, he does it. And he has a habit, he will do something after thinking it 100 times and then he doesn't regret his action. If Yoongi decides to do something, no one can stop him from doing it. After noticing Jimin's face, Yoongi was sure that Jimin was hiding something from him. But he brushed those thoughts away and took him out on a date to ease his mood]

[Yoongi takes Jimin on a date to a fancy restaurant. They were talking romantically while having lunch]

Jimin: (licks his lip) Hyung, you drive me crazy with your looks. Why are you so hot and handsome?

Yoongi: (chuckled) Jimin, why are you always the horny? Don't you know anything other than that?

Jimin: (dramatically) You are the reason for it. Your hot body and handsome face always comes to my mind when I do something important

Yoongi: I can only say one thing, Jimin. You are crazy about me.

Jimin: (proudly) Yes, I am majesty...... (suddenly gets serious) Please don't leave me in future. If you leave me I will not live. I can't imagine life without you, you are my everything.

(A single tear escapes Jimin's eyes and before the tear reaches his cheeks, Yoongi gently wipes it away with his thumb, causing Jimin to close his eyes. Yoongi cupped his face with his left hand and Jimin leaned into his touch)

Yoongi: (whisper) Don't think so much, Love. What do you think of me? I can't live without you either. I won't let you go. (in mind) I hope nothing, will separate us, including your secret activities.

[As they eat they continue their talks with Jimin's flirty chatter. Soon Yoongi notices Taehyung walking into the restaurant with Jungkook, his hands were on Jungkook's waist. He stopped eating and looked at both of them ignoring Jimin's blabbering]

Jimin: What are your plans for our wedding? I know you well, you don't like grand weddings, but I love grand weddings. The world must amaze at the grandness of our marriage. (looks at Yoongi when there's no response) Hyung, I'm talking about our wedding, but where are you looking not listening to your beautiful boyfriend?

[Saying this, Jimin turned to see where Yoongi was looking. His eyes widened in shock when he noticed Taehyung with Jungkook. He knows Yoongi doesn't like it when Taehyung dates a new guy once a week. He bites his lips nervously]

Jimin: (in mind) Nice, Kim F*cking Taehyung..... Why is he bringing him here? Does he not know any other restaurant besides this one? Yoongi hyung already started doubting both of us and now he is clearing his brother's doubt with his stupid actions. I know he has no brain but I didn't expect this

[Jimin snapped back to reality when he heard his boyfriend's deep voice. He turned to Yoongi who was already staring at him with crossed arms and piercing eyes. He could tell for sure that Yoongi was going to ask about Taehyung]

Yoongi: Don't try to lie. You know about this, don't you? (Jimin is silent) Now I can tell by your nervous eyes and your silence, you already know about this....... (silence for a few seconds) Invite him.... (Jimin is shocked) Invite him and his new boyfriend to join us.

To Be Continue
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Words : 1187

Just a play - Yoonkook ✔️✔️ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now