Episode 24

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[Jin rushed into the room where Taehyung was. Taehyung weakly looked at the door as someone flung the door open and rushed in . He stared at the figure with an unreadable expression. Jin looked at him with so much emotion, their eyes locked with each other. Taehyung looked out the window, unable to meet Jin's eyes. After a while, Yoongi also entered the room. The room was silent as no one dared to say anything. Jin walked over to Taehyung's bed. Within a minute the sound of slapping echoed through the room. Jin raised his hand to slap Taehyung again, but Yoongi grabbed his hand and shook his head no]

Jin: Look at me Taehyung......... (Taehyung looked down without lifting his head, and Jin grabbed his chin and made him look at him) Are you crazy? Do you know what you've done to your health?

Tae: I know better, and who is here to care or feel for me (looking deep Jin's eyes)

Jin: Can you please stop like this. We are all here for you. Me, yoongi, Jimin and your son Soobin........ your unborn child

Tae: (chuckled) I raped him............

Jin: But it's not your fault........ (Again the room was filled with silence, but this time it was broken by Taehyung's sniff. Jin pulled him to his embrace, tears starting to run from his eyes to his cheeks)

Tae: Why did you leave me? Is he more important than me? In these 12 years there has not been a day when I didn't want to be in your arms. Not a day goes by when I don't long for your embrace. I longed for my brothers when there was no one to ask if I ate, how my day was, or if you got into trouble at school.

Jin: Taehyung we never planned to leave you with our parents, we did it because of the situation. If I hadn't gone with Namjoon that day, dad would have married me off to someone 10 years older than me. I tried to contact you. Do you think I wouldn't have tried to talk to you? Do you think I don't like holding you in my arms? (pulled back from the hug and cupped Taehyung's face) I tried........ But Dad kidnapped Namjoon and beat him to death and threatened me to kill him if I tried to contact you again. He is my love Taehyung. Why should he die because of my love who has done no wrong even in his dreams

Tae: (freed himself from Jin and wiped his tears) Love is all fake, hyung. You both left me because of love. You left me because of Namjoon. Yoongi hyung left me because of Jungkook.

Yoongi: You and your actions made us leave you. It's true that we left you and I didn't say no. But who did we leave you with? With our parents. How do we know any parent would use their children to protect their money and fame? (He said this in an annoyed voice because he couldn't believe that his brother was such a fool)

Tae: You both left me because of Namjoon and Jungkook. If Jungkook had not come between us, we would not have parted like this

Yoongi: Who brought Jungkook between us? Who brought him into our chaotic lives? Who brought him from his royal life to a life of begging?.......... It's you.... You brought him between us. You are the one who brought him into our chaotic life. He made only one mistake by loving you blindly. And be honest. Didn't you love him? Didn't want to start a life with him? Didn't you think of having a beautiful family with him?........ I am your brother, so I know you better than you.

Jin: You loved him with all your heart, but once you started falling for our dad's lie you started hating him.

Tae: (looking down) Dad said that Jungkook is coming into our lives to apart our family. Isn't true, you both like him more than me? You supported him during his college days when someone bullied him

Jin: It doesn't mean we loved him more than you. You are my brother, our brother. You have a special place in our hearts. No one can take your place from our hearts.

Just a play - Yoonkook ✔️✔️ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now