Episode 27

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Now he was standing outside Yoongi's room with a shaking hand, before he could knock on the door the door opened and a hand pulled him in and closed the door pinning him in it. Jungkook's eyes were closed tightly]

Kook: (closed eyes) let me explain, Yoongi hyung

Suga: (deep cold voice) Explain

Kook: (still closed eyes) It was Jin Hyung's idea. I asked him to help me find out whether you like me or not. He told me to make you jealous by wearing revealing clothes

Suga: Have you found out now whether I love you or not? (Jungkook nodded) What do you think? But open your eyes before answering my question

[Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and found Yoongi was standing very close to him. His breath Hitched. He looked deep into Yoongi's eyes. Yoongi put his hand on Jungkook's cheek and caressed it. Jungkook leaned into the touch]

Suga: (husky voice) Answer me, have you found out?

Kook: I know you love me as much as I love you. I love you hyung

(Suddenly Yoongi kissed him on his lips making him shocked. He looked at Yoongi who is kissinh him withi his closed eyes. Jungkook also melted on the kiss soon and started to kissed back Yoongi Making Yoongi happy. Yoongi smiled in the kiss. Soon they pulled out even they don't want to stop but their lungs can't support more. They both are breathing heavily and catching their breaths)

Yoongi: I like your guts baby

(He give a smirk making a thousands butterflies in Jungkook's belly. Jungkook blushed when Yoongi called him "baby". He hugged Yoongi and hiding his face in Yoongi's chest who hugged him more tightly)

Yoongi: I love you too........

(he growl against Jungkook's lips, brushing that soft pink lips against his own.With more strength Yoongi push the boy to the door and grip his his waist andpull the boy up till could see him staright in his eyes level. In this seriesYoongi was taller than Jungkook. Jungkook yelp in the sudden action but then he smile and wrap his legs around Yoongi's torso, Who don't waste a sec to markthe boy's neck with pressure wet kiss, clearly marking the boy with his lovebite)

[They both hypothesized each other with deep eyes. Their minds were completely blank. They don't know what's going on, where it will take them, but they don't care. Their mind, heart and body tell them only one thing they need eachother at any cost. The other didn't quite hear the words coming out of one's mouth.

Their body won the battle and gained control of their mind. So they don't know what the other one is saying. They only care about the tension and heat in their body right now. Yoongi decided to use this opportunity to calm him down, and no one could blame him when other one also thought the same way.

Soon Jungkook finds himself on the mattress, his husband on top of him. Sinful whimpering moans began to escape Jungkook's lips as Yoongi's lips began to decorate his body with hickeys. But he didn't try to stop them.  His hands pull Yoongi towards his body. Yoongi pressed his body against Jungkook as much as he could.

Yoongi rips off Jungkook's clothes leaving him naked. Jungkook opens his eyes as he feels Yoongi got up from his body, his cheeks turning red as he notices Yoongi looking at his naked body with a smirk and lust. His hands covered his member, but his eyes watched the reaction on Yoongi's face]

Yoongi: (husky voice) Remove your soft hands from there and spread your legs for me, baby boy

[Jungkook didn't know why his body was obeying Yoongi's commands like a puppy. He removed his hands from his member and spread his legs wide as Yoongi told him. He's so shy because he's completely exposed in front of Yoongi, but Yoongi is fully clothed. But his body is so excited that his shyness cannot overcome the excitement.

He turned his head away as he noticed Yoongi leaning towards him. Jungkook's breathing started to become heavy as Yoongi licked his nipple.

Imagine by yourself because I don't want to commit more sins as Holy Week is coming, I'm sorry.......... I hope you will understand me...... In this Holy Week I have a big dream to ask God and only God can help me with it. Pray for me too]

Short chapter....

This series come to an end, so stay tuned for the next updates. As usual I will upload the next chapter after this chapter reaches 15 votes. If this episode reaches 15 within 10 minutes I will happily post the next episode. Let's see. I already completed the whole series 😜😜😜

Words: 800
Don't forget to vote babies...... Good night

Just a play - Yoonkook ✔️✔️ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now