Punk boy and Star girl

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Later that night, I was just sitting there in a bar in Los Angeles, drinking. I recall having a childhood aspiration of becoming a well-known and prominent artist. As an artist, I have a respectable career for a twenty-three-year-old woman. So, here we are. Let's just say that growing up in Mitsburg, a little town in Virginia where everyone knew one another, benefitted me and taught me many valuable things about life. Four punk boys came into the bar in a bunch. Funny enough, one of them reminds me of one of my ex-boyfriends; they have the exact same appearance. Oh! I now recognize who they are. They are a punk rock band called Cypher Scars, who have appeared on numerous magazine covers. Now that I mentioned that I realized that the one boy is in fact my ex. I was on the computer on a chair. They came and sat next to me.

I see myself in the glass on the wall behind the barman. Shit, I look tired as fuck like if I hadn't slept in a week. I basically look like death.

My ex was sitting just next to me. He still smell the same thing as when we were teenagers, cigarettes and men perfumes. He turned his regards at my direction.

"Hard day?" he speaks up smiling at me a bit. He hadn't changed at all.

"Honestly more like a week but anyway," I say, thinking about my break-up with my ex-boyfriend, Tate that I left five days ago.

"I feel you"

Yeah well I hope you do man. "What about you?" I ask.

"Wait, are you like... The Molly artist? You know like the painter"

"Yeah, I am"

I put my palms on my face to hide.

He smirked at me and then I raised a finger to see him through my hands. It made me smile and blush. Fuck.

"We've dated for like three months back in high school, do you remember?"

Noah, of course, I do, how could I ever forget you?



"No way"

I displayed a surprise look to hide the fact that I already knew it.

"Yes, it's me"

"I always knew you would follow your dream of being in a punk band and I knew that it would get good to you. Turns out I was right"

He laughed.

"Yeah you did"

We basically stared at each other for like a moment without even saying anything. The staring stoped when one of his friends leaned towards him behind us.

"Flirting with a girl pretty boy?"

His friend said that at the same that he was raising an eyebrow to make fun of him.

"Maybe, who know"

Noah looked at me quickly and redirected his eyes in the direction of his friend.

"Well, well, well, who is this beautiful lady here?"

"I'm Mike by the way" did he add before giving me a kiss on the hand like a gentleman.

Noah gave him a look as if he wanted to say stop this

"Well, actually she's one of my high school's ex-girlfriends."

He didn't stop staring at his friend's eyes.

"Ah Yah Okay"
Mike turns back in the direction of his place.

"Shooter for everyone, it's on me" said Mike.

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