Book and weed

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{Greeny blue}

[past memories in october, 9th grade year of high school chapter]


"Man, you're so small," he says looking at me with an amused smile

"Maybe but at least I don't waste my breath on stupid shit like that"

"Hitting on your nerves is never a waste of my breath Princess," Noah says with a smirk in the corner of his mouth.

"Just shut the fuck up Noah," I say coldly while rolling my eyes back.

"Well, someone's pissed," did he say from nowhere with a mischievous smile.

"Who cares?"

"I do"

"Well I don't! Now give the world a favour and keep your mouth shut for a moment"

He let a small laugh get out. He lights himself a cigarette, take a puff and pass it to me. I take it from his finger. I look at the horizon far away while he's looking at me. I turn my gaze to him and look him up and down. I move my gaze back.



Minutes pass with nothing been said between us. I take out a joint from my coat pocket, take his lighter and light it. I start smoking the weed feeling it itching my lungs as I inhale the smoke and exhale it.

I pass it to him. He doesn't take many puffs, like only two and passes it back. I'm looking at the trees and how the leaves are changing to reddish colours and falling on the ground. I feel a hand grab my thighs and I look down and sees his hand resting there.

"Fuck off"

Do I say while pushing his hand away immediately. He looks at me with a disappointed way. I give him a look of disapproval. One of his eyebrows wave up its way at me, daring me. I look so disgusted. I move myself away a bit. Fucking hate him right now, he's so annoying. He's still staring at me, and it makes me wanna scream. I stare back and he moves his gaze away. That's better, do I think to myself. I'm almost forgetting why I was here. I'm waiting for him to give me my book, but clearly if I don't ask he won't.

"Do you have it?"

He turns his head towards my way, his eyes widening trying to understand what I'm talking about.

"My book"

"Oh, yeah"

He takes out my book from his bag and hands it to me. I take it and get up to walk away.

"Wait, what are you doing"

"Leaving, you gave me my book so now I'm going to head home"


"Because you gave me what I wanted"

"We could've hung out a bit like friends"

"Friends? You and I are not «friends»"

He looks at me with a weird way on his face. I look back one last time at him before starting to walk away. "Whatever you say Molly"

Do I hear him out loud. As he says it, I can already feel his smirk on his face looking at me in my back, as he talks back there. I decide not to react and leave for good. I put on my headphone on my ears and start my music. Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People, start playing in my ears. It immediately gets me in a better mood. Think I'm going to go eat something at my job, a fast food. I walk up to the street alleys I take to short cut my walk to my job. I'm craving so badly for french fries and a plain hamburger with mustard and ketchup. Once in, one of my colleagues, Ginna, greets me with the hand behind the order counter. I smile at her.

"What can I get you miss?" does she say to joke.

"I'll take a French fries and a plain hamburger, please" do I say.

She writes down my order on the machine and then I pay with my card.

"My break is in ten minutes if you wanna talk by the way"

Ginna was nineteen years old so three years older than me. She was in college now, working part-time in fast food. She was in college now, working part-time in fast food. About five minutes later, she calls my name so I come to take my order. I sit down at a table and put ketchup and mustard inside my hamburger then start eating. Not so many times after, Ginna sit down in front of me.

"So what's happening?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

She looks at me like if she kind of already knew what was going on.

"The same boy?" Ginna ask.

"Fuck, I just hate him so much. He's a pain in the ass, I swear! " I reply, exhausted.

"Don't worry, in a month you'll probably forget about him" she says looking at me with reassurance.

She smiles at me. I'm not even hungry anymore, thinking and talking about it cut off my appetite. I need to escape this conversation.

"I need to go to the bathroom," do I tell Ginna while, get up off my chair.

I head myself to the bathroom. I lock the door behind me and go up to the glass in front of the sink to wash our hands. I look at myself, close my eyes, take a couple of breaths to calm my mind and thoughts. I kept telling myself, "Everything is fine, you're safe, you're not in danger, just keep breathing calmly". I start feeling more calm. I open my eyes and look in the glass, smile at myself, replace my hair that we're messy and take a last breath before getting out of the bathroom. Ginna's not here anymore, she probably had to go back to her shift. I throw away the rest of the meal I bought, in the trash and get out of the restaurant.

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