Love Question

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[past memories, in relationships]


We were a bit drunk and we were lying down outside on the grass under a sky filled of shining bright stars. I laughed in a strange way, and he looked at me like if it traumatized him.

"I laugh traumatizes you that bad?"

"No, the only thing that traumatized me when I was with you was when you shouted in my ears"

"For my defence we were in the pool and you arrive and made me jump by poaching my hips"

"Yeah, well when you scream in my ears it's hurting like hell"

"My superpower MOUHAHAHAHA"

"You're scaring me like that"

"I like to scare you"

"And I like to take you by the hips so this grave well"

Did he say by rolling his eyes back.

"Yeah, I noticed it"

"You're not really subtle by the way"

"I never try to be subtle either"

"I also already knew that for a long time"

"I like to be drunk"

"Yeah well I'm scared when you are drunk"


"Because you're weird"

"I'm always weird"

"Even when I don't drink"

"And that's why I love you"

"But that's also why you should stop drinking"

"I don't even know why you'd care"

"Because if you live, I die you understand"

"So if I killed myself you'd stay alive, right? But if you killed yourself, I'd stay alive?"

"No, I can't live without you"


"Because the drug in me is you"

"So you love me?"

"You are my drug, you're like heroine I can live without you, so yes I love you"

I smirked a bit and laughed a little.


"I just don't really understand what you could like in me, but I guess I love it"

"Well, there's a lot I like in you"

"Oh yeah? Like..?"

"Like your personality, your truthfulness, your lips, your style, your hips, everything about you"

I smiled.

"Yeah okay"

I looked at him and he turned his stare at me. I stared at his eyes and got lost in them.

"Do I look rude sometimes"

He turned his head right toward me.

"Yeah but I love you like this so stay that way, what about me?"

"Hmm, Nah"

He had a disappointed look on his face.

"I thought I was scary..." did he say with a straight disappointed face.

"To people? Maybe. To me? You never did and never will"

"I never scared you?!"

"No, not at all"

He laughed a bit and asked me something.

"Why did you have a crush on me when school started last year?"

"Gonna sound weird to you maybe, but even the first time I laid my eyes on you, I felt like I knew everything about you like I knew you since I was a little kid. You were just so.."

"... Different?"

"Yeah different, just like me. What about you, why did you have a crush on me?"

"I felt kinda the same way you described it"

"You did?"

He nodded his head.

"When you looked at me what where your impressions of me?"

"I don't really know, because I didn't really pay attention to people around since I had my music playing in my earpiece. I never liked to be noticed honestly"

"Yeah, it's better not, people are imbeciles"


"So you were saying?"

"I thought you were a guy who was just playing an act of a tough guy that doesn't care about anything but deep down he's kind, that's why you never scared me, why?"

"Just wanted to know"

"I thought you didn't care about what people thought about you"

Did I say to tease him.

"Well, if it's you, I do care

"What was your impression of me then?"

"A pretty weird girl I don't know"

"Pretty like a pretty really weird girl or like a pretty girl who's kinda weird?"

"Pretty girl, of course, duh"

I smiled at the way he said it.

"I love you, did I say smiling"

"Me too" did he say before giving me forehead kisses.

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