Record deal

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"Go put on clothes both of you, we're going having breakfast" Jake says with an serious tone. Said like that, it looked like i was in trouble, im not sure of if i should be worried or if not. Molly and I got back to the bedroom, closed the door then started to get dressed and before going back to the entry where the boys where waiting, she kisses me passionatly on my lips and my neck. I was starting to get turned on, when it clearly wasnt the time to be but oh god, when she kiss me like that and look at me like i was everything to her, i cant do anything except get in the game and love her. I take her by the hand and dive her in my arms. Molly knew how to drive me crazy, that's one of the thing I always liked about her. But she also knew how to stay serious and focused when it was time to. I pined her against the door, looking down at her straight in the eyes. Grabbed her neck lightly with my left hand then leans my lips to her neck kissed, lick and bite sweetly her neck. "Are they fucking or what?" I could hear Chris say sitting on the couch in my living room, but somehow I didn't even care. I was with her, and even though we weren't fucking like Chris thought we're, I didn't feel the need to stop.

"Let's go have breakfast pretty boy" Molly smack a little bit my ass.

"Hey!" I react "What? I like that ass of yours" her smile.

"I don't hate yours either" I smirk. I push away a bit and take her hand to joint the boys in the living room. They get off my couch and start walking toward the front door. After getting out, I take my keys out of my jeans left pocket go lock my apartment door. My friends decided we took the stairs today and not the elevator. My apartment was on the fourth floor. We walk down the stairs and walk out of the building. I grab Molly's hand and look down to her hand disappearing in the palm of mine as I grabbed it. My hand we're big but not too much either, compared to hers, she had the pretty feminine hands that woman mostly have. I look back in front of me following the boys walking down the corner of the end of my street, they turn at a breakfast place. We get it, and the waitress gives us five menus and settle us down at a table with benches face to face. Mike, Jake and Chris sit together on the bench in front of Molly and I. The benches were covered in dark red leather. After the waitress took our order and left our table, my friends started talking. Chris speaks first, "So, we have good news Noah" with an excited smile across is face. "Hmm?" I asked my hand Molly thigh. Dave comes to talk, but Mike cuts him off. "Billy signed us a record album deal!" Mike spit out immediately like he couldn't contain the insane good news, inside anymore. I froze there shocked and a smile could be seen being drawn on my face! "No way, for real?" I couldn't believe it, "Yes, it's real, we're having another record deal!" Jake says. Molly turns her gaze to mine and she looks to what I could guess, happy for me, even proud actually. She jumps in my arms hugging me tight. "Noah, I'm so proud of you!" She's smiling and light appears inside me. Her light makes me feel less lost. She cups my face in her hands looking at me with her shining eyes then put a quick kiss on my lips. "Get a room you two," Chris comment as he's rolling his eyes back. "We were in one until you disturbed us and told me we had another sudden plan" I answer back. I look back at her, sitting there next to me. Chris rolls his eyes again at me and sigh. Molly's looking through the window at her right.

"I'm going to go take a smoke I think," she says, turning her gaze on me. I nod and get up the bench to let her pass. She gets out of the restaurant and get herself a cigarette out of her pack and light it. She smokes it while taking her cell phone out of her back pocket jeans, looks at it then rest the phone under her ear like if she was calling someone. Yes, she's definitely talking to someone when suddenly she starts talking with more agitation like if she was angry. She pulls the phone away from her ear and talks clearly in the speaker and talk louder than end up the call. She throws her butch on the ground and crushes it with her shoes. She takes a couple of calming breaths and gets back in the restaurant. She smiles at me with a smile that looked fake to me. I get up again and let her sit next to the window. I don't ask anything knowing that if she'd want to talk about it she'd do it by herself, but something inside me needs to know.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Hmm? yeah of course," she hasn't even looked a single bay of convincing.

She didn't even look convinced of herself. "After breakfast I'll be heading back at my place, I have some business to take care of" I look at Molly at my right with a grin. The boys nod and a short moment after, our commands get served to our table. When we finish eating and paid the bill, I head out with Molly. Business to take care of in my apartment meant taking my day slowly with her in my bed. Once in my apartment, Molly immediately gets her shoes off and heads up to my bedroom and jump on it to lay down in it. She takes her pants off and throw them on my floor. I stood in the door frame of my room, looking at her with a sly smile in the corner of my mouth and cheeks. She makes a motion to tell me to come here in the bed. I get my boots off, put them down on the floor of my door frame, take my vest off and climb in bed at the end of it. She's looking eager to meet my body. I lay down next to her then move to the left side to look at her. Her move to the right side to be face to me then put her left hand on my chest. Touching them while tracing circles and lines around my abs with the tip of her index. She looked distracted.

"Tate called me earlier, that's why I was acting weird" Molly looks up at my eyes looking at her and a little smile seems to appear on her lips.

I nod at her words. Ifshe ever tries to get away from me, I won't accept it, I'll keep her close tome. I get closer to her and put my hands on her hips as she put her arms aroundmy torso and close them around it. I could hear her heart beat and her stomach gurgling. I close my eyes andlisten to the noise and enjoy the moment with her. 

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