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We're going to be late for the dinner to make her meet some people I want her to, if she doesn't hurry up a bit more. We're at my place and she still doesn't even have a shirt on. She's only wearing her G-string and jeans.

"Noah, do you have a t-shirt I could borrow you, mine's all wet"

"Yeah, wait... it's a bit oversized for you but it'll do"

"Oh don't worry it's okay"

Once ready, we go to the restaurant across my street.

"Don't worry, they're all chill"

"I'm not worried, don't worry Noah"

I get her at the table where the members of my bands are waiting, Jake, Chris, Dave and Mike.

"Yo" Does Dave say.

"Hi, Dave, Chris, Jake, I present you Molly, you already know Mike so no need to present you to him" do I say looking at the boys, then at Molly.

"Hi" does she say waving her hand at them before taking a seat on the bench seat.

They all say hi to her and we start talking. Jake speaks first.

"So, you're the girl who Noah's been talking a lot about lately, huh?"

Why did he have to tell her this. Molly smile and turn her head to my way.

"Oh, you've been talking about me?"

I blush a bit and nod before Chris and Dave give their opinion on that too.

"Hell yes"

"Chris and Jake have a point on that, this boy can't shut up about you, I swear" Jake says.

Mike intervenes "Guy's let's be more gentlemen please, there's a lady here sitting here with us"

Molly's laugh at Mike's comments.

"I knew you were obsessed with me Noah but I didn't know you were that much" does she say to tease me.

I answer back.

"Who wouldn't be?"

She rolls her eyes back. Jake takes the opportunity to say something.

"This boy right here..." he says, pointing out at me.

"... Has completed is eyes on you if you couldn't already tell"

"Oh, I know that for a fact, he can't get his eyes off of me and just the simple thought of me gets him horny"

She's not false, but she didn't have to put it like that even though I didn't hate it.


"Wait, I'm just saying what you told me, huh?"

"Bro! You told her that? " Dave asks me like if I was brave.

Yes, I did"

Dave makes a high-five with my hand. "That's my boy!"

Jake asks something to Molly, even more stupid to ask while smirking.

"Is he at least good?"

"Excuse me?"

"With the sounds she makes, I guess I am"

"You're not bad, I guess" does Molly add. I smile at her.

"I'll take it as a compliment"

Chris looks proud of me then he turns his gaze to Molly before asking her a question.

"So, you paint, huh?"

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