Stupid fight during relationship in high school

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{Dark red}

[past memories, 9th grade highschool time relationship chapter]


"It's just that you look so rude and sometimes dry, it makes me feel like you don't give a shit about me and you know it's hurt"

I have so many issues with letting people love me, just letting people see my sensitive side it's a really hard to do for me, and he knows it damn well. I don't want to hurt him on purpose if I do.

"Okay... Wow, so..." I take a breath.

"You think I don't give a fuck about you, right?" I continue

"Well, the way you act make me feel like it"

"So I was the only problem, right?"

"What!? W... where did you get that?! I've never said that"

"Fuck you"

"What the Fuck"

"That's not what I fucking heard from other people"

"You're gonna leave, aren't you?"

Do I say, feeling the oppression of the tears I'm keeping inside, in my heart.

"No, I love you" he says like he wanted to hug me or something. But I didn't want any physical touch right now.

"You know what, just fucking leave!"

He just stood there like if didn't hear anything.


Those tears in my eyes were gonna fall if I said something about more.


I couldn't keep my tears back anymore.

"What do you want me to make you leave..."

He kissed me and pushed me gently on the wall. I flipped him on the wall and jump on him on his lap.

"What are you doing?" I cup his face in my hand.

"Loving you"

"You're really good at making me forget my problems"

"Wait until I make you scream my name"

"You're foolish"

"Yeah and you still love me"

"Who said that"

I raised my eyebrows and smirked at him

I pulled him towards me by his Jean coat.

I directed my lips to his. I love his smell even if it smells like cigarettes and perfume for men. Even if I hate cigarettes. He's just always so stunning.

"I love you"

There, I finally said it.

"Well, that's a first one!" did he say to tease me.

I just rolled my eyes back.

"I'm serous Noah I love you for real

I looked at his lips and redirected my regards to his beautiful dark brown eyes.

" I love you too"

He put a kiss on my lips and hugged me. I felt just happy and safe in his arms.

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