Art galerie

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I'm at my art gallery event tonight. People are looking at my art around, and some ask me questions about why I did certain painting and what's the meaning behind them. I'm talking with a man that look like he's in his fifties when suddenly I feel a hand be put in my back and I see Noah appear to my right.

"Here's my mesmerazing lady" does he say smirking at me.

"Excuse-me I'll talk to you later mister"

Do I say to the man I was talking to before he showed up. He nods and goes away.

"What's wrong princess?"

"You could've waited before interrupting my conversation"

"I could've but I really felt the need to talk to you"

Does Noah say smirking seductively. He was wearing a black tux, a button shirt and a black tie. In that black suit, he looked even hotter. I'm wearing a chic dark dress I bought specially for this event. I notice he's staring at my chest, especially at my breast.

"Eyes up, you perv"

"If they're on display, they're meant to be looked at"

"Oh so you're saying that any man can look at them, is that so"

"Now if they do, I'll beat them up, I swear"

"Like if I was your property"

I roll my eyes back and his smirk, he leans closer to my face.

"You kind of are, if you want my opinion"

"Not even in your dreams sweetheart, I'm not yours and never will"

"We'll see about that. So, would you make me a tour of your art?"

"Maybe if you ask nicely"

Do I say while arranging his tie, I look up at him rolling his eyes at me.

"Would you make me a tour of your art, please lady?"

"Yes, I'd be glad to"

I say smiling. He looks at me with a happy annoyed look on his face. We start walking around the gallery, showing him my art and responding to the question he has. He stops in front of one of my paintings, a self portrait of my naked body I did three years ago. His smile.



"The painting"

"Oh, yeah, I painted myself"

"Well, it perfectly pictures how heavenly perfect I see it"

I smile and blush a bit at his comment.

"Did I make someone smiled?"

Does he say with a cocky way and a smirk. I say something while smiling.


I walk away and he follows me behind. We pass in front of a painting which was a boy painted on. The boy as dark brown hair, brown eyes and a dark grey shirt with long sleeves. I don't stop in front of it, but he takes me by the hand and makes me gets back to him in front of the painting. He smiles joyfully and ask something.

"Molly, is it me?"

"I thought you wouldn't come so I didn't really care if they put it here, on the walls of the gallery for the event"

It only made him smile even more since he knows I'm trying to avoid his question.

"You didn't answer my question, is it me?"

"Yeah, I guess"

"I'm really pretty in that painting"

"Just painted the truth"

He turns his gaze to mine and bite his lips.

"I really wanna fuck you right now"

I blush a bit.

"Sorry, it kinda sounded better in my head"

"Don't worry, I do too but we can't"

"You can't resist, you know it"

"I know, but I'm trying to Noah"

Noah looked so hot right now, the way he was looking at me wasn't helping either. I wanted to jump on him, was it physical, emotional or just simply pure attraction of chemistry between each others? I don't know. His long fingers of man, these pretty hands of his made me think of all the thing he could be doing to me with them right now if it wasn't for this event and all the people around. He takes my chin with his left hand, he lifts it to make me look up at him in his eyes. He leans his head to my right hears and whisper in it. I try my best to not react and walk away his hand in mine, guiding us to the next room with chair and a stage. Soon, the auctions on my canvases, was about to begin. People started entering the room, being given an auction brochure each and take a place. The man who called me to ask me to do an exposition of my arts, goes up the stage and start the auctions once everybody is sitting down on their place. Noah and I are sitting in the back. I'm observing what's being said and what is happening when suddenly I feel a hand slide between my thigh under my dress. I look at my left and see's him looking right at the stage, not moving his stare, even though he's putting his hand between my legs. I can feel his fingers playing with my thigh. He gets upper and find his way to my pussy. His fingers shoved the thin lace string present, to the side. My tits start getting all hard and pointy, and I start to get wet. He starts rubbing the tip of my clit gently with his fingers and my head draw back on the seat, my eyes rolling back of pleasure. I have to stop him, or I'm gonna scream soon. I take his hand and take it out of under my dress and squeeze it. I whisper to him.


He turns his gaze to me amused. I need to put boundaries on myself or I know how it's gonna finish and it won't be pretty.

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