Red Mustang

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"Wanna go grab some drink in downtown bar later?"

Did he say over the phone.


"I'll pick you up at twenty one o'clock, so like in forty five minutes"

"Okay, later"


The the line cut. He picked me up at twenty one o'clock like he said he would with his car, a vintage red mustang. He opened the door for me before I enter in his car.

"Nice car"

"I know right?" did he say with confidence and a smirk on his face.

I turned the crank to bring down the window, took a cigarette from my bag and put it in my mouth. He lit my cigarette without me asking him. I took a puff and took it out of my mouth with my middle finger and index finger. Blow the smoke out a bit after. He extended his right hand to my cigarette so I took a puff before and pass it to him. There were black and white fuzzy dice hanging on his car glasses. Once arrived at the bar, we sat at the bar counter.

"So, what have you been up to these last years?"

"Hmm... I had an art exposition at Le Louvre in Paris and another at The Metropolitan Museum In New York"

"I've been to the one in New York"

"You did?"

"Yeah and I still have those two paintings of yours"

"You still do?"

"I could never get rid of them"

"I Know, you love them too much"

"Indeed, Yes darling"

I blushed a bit and then he gave me a wink. I drank my shooter of gin in one gulp. I asked for another one at the barman.

"Why is that fair?"

"Life, Sweetheart"

He looked amused by my sentence. I smiled at his face before gulping my other shooter. I finished the night a bit drunk with my clumsy body and my confused drunk mind. He got me in his car and turned on the radio. One of my favourite songs passed on the radio, Glory Box by Portishead. I started singing a bit. He had a smile on his face. Once he stretched me in my bed at home, he left a note on my dressers next to my bed than left. The note was saying something like: « Call me tomorrow when you're going to be alright, tonight was cool, love you Noah ». I got up off my bed and looked at outside my window. He was walking on the sidewalk in the direction of his car that was parked a street further away. I smiled looking at him. Once I knew he reached his mustang, I got to bed. I couldn't stop my mind from thinking of tonight. As I think of it, I smile to myself.

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