Bad suprise

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I hear my phone notification, I look and see a message from Tate. I broke up with him like a month ago because of gossips and rumours in a magazine saying I was pregnant. Then Tate said we could give them right about it and said we could get married. I freaked out and told him he was insane.

Tate: Could we like talk later and meet up at your place maybe?

Me: Why?

Tate: I kinda miss you

Me: Hmm ..., yah okay be there at seven p.m.

Letting him in again was a bad idea, I don't want him to get himself idea either. I had a thing with Noah tonight plus. But like I told him to come at seven, he did. Tate knocked at my door waiting in front. I open and notice a bouquet of roses wrapped with plastic around it like the ones you buy at a supermarket, holding in his left hand. I let him in and close the door behind. I hate roses, but I make an effort to take them and put them in a vase with water in. While taking the plastic off the roses, I feel hands grab my hips. He whispers a little hey in my left ear. I let the bouquet on the counter and move to face him. Tate always had those brown-green eyes that looked kind of hazel above the sunlight, a black kind of rockstar shag haircut style with curls that were less present, though. I pass my hand in his hair and rest my hand on the back of his head, in his hair. He leans his forehead on mine, looking at me in my eyes. "I missed you" Tate says softly. I simply nod eyes closed. Tate was a drummer in a band with two of his friends, he had his charm, but he also knew how to get the women he wanted. I remember the night we first meet in a club. I was dancing like it was my last breath on Only Girl (In the World) by Rihanna. We had this eye contact with a big tension across the club. She approached me while dancing and danced with me. Took a couple of shots and then we finished making out in the club bathrooms. He asked me my number at the end of the night.



I was parked in front of her house, waiting in front of my car. The fuck was taking her so many times to get ready and come out of her house. I take out my phone and text her.

Me: Are you coming out of that house one day or you forgot we had something?

She doesn't respond or even see my message, so I decide to go knock at her door. It takes some little time to respond. She's in a towel around her body.

"Hey," she says all sweaty and panting like if just ran a marathon.

A man with only a towel at his waist appears behind her. He takes her by the hips. What the fuck?"Did you forget we had something or what?" do I ask at her while looking at the random guy.

"Hem, no, my ex, well boyfriend just jumped out of nowhere," she says.

Her what?

"You're what?"

"Boyfriend, Tate" the guy tends his hand to me to shake mine with a charming mischievous smile.

I shake it "Noah". I already hated the guy. He looked like an asshole with his attitude and the way he grabbed her like she was his property, like she was only just a toy for him.

"So like, you two are like together"

She nods and smile at him. Shit. I wasn't jealous not at all, well I couldn't be since we aren't a thing, she made it clear from the begging. I kinda was disappointed, though.

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