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{Dark Ginger}


Looking outside through the taxi car window in the passenger seat, at my right. Tears falling on my cheeks, my hands resting on my thigh. I could still hear Gina's voice echoing its way inside my head, "We're gonna send you by taxi in rehab, the taxi driver will make sure you get there and the people directing the institution will wait for you in front of the building". I turn my gaze to the interior rear-view mirror and notice all my mascara is all ruined dripping dried down my cheeks. I wipe it off, but it still isn't completely off. Everything is still dizzying around due to the coke still affecting my senses and silently sob in my madness even more. The car stops and someone opens the door.

"You must be Molly Hunter" does a feminine voice says.

I can barely see the face of the woman. My vision is all blurred out. I get out of the taxi and get dragged inside the building without I even have to say anything. Next thing I know, I'm sitting in a chair waiting, tired out. I get dragged into a room by the woman.

"This will be your bedroom the whole stay with us, curfew at nine p.m., breakfast at heights a.m.," the woman says before leaving the room and closing the door behind her. The walls were painted in a pastel green.

I can barely hear clearly. I lay down on a bed all lost and then the light gets open and I hear the door open. I open my eyesight and see someone enter the room.

"Oh hi, I'm your roommate, Lysa" the girl says.

"Hmm, close light" I answer immediately.

She closes it then gets under her bed sheets.

"Not much of a talker, huh?" Lysa says.

The room was starting to move around me, making me dizzy and confused. My eyes start twitching and going back then I pass out, overamping.


I wake up in a different room with white-beige wall. I look around and notice I'm laying in a hospital bed. A solute rod to my right, the solute injecting into the veins of my left arm. I hear the heart monitor beep. The same woman as yesterday enters the room. She tends me a cup of water.

"Where am I?" I ask slowly.

"You overdosed two days ago at night," she says.

What the fuck? I get myself up and then my head starts dizzying around.

"Don't get up too fast, relax a bit, my name's Lucy, by the way," the woman says calmly.
I don't remember half of how I got there. I remember the taxi ride, the room a bit and a girl I think then nothing. My head aches as hell, God! All I want to do right now is get up and go light myself a cigarette and smoke it. I reach in my vest pocket and pulls out a lighter and a pack of cigarettes. Lucky they didn't take my vest off of me. I take a cigarette, light it and start smoking it. At that point where I was, I didn't give a single bit of a fuck that smoking inside was forbidden. The smoke starts getting lost in the air of the room while the air conditioner makes it disappear in its vents. Lucy watches me start smoking with a disapproving way. She immediately tends her arm and takes the cigarettes from my hand dry.

"No smoking inside Mrs. Hunter" she says crushing the cigarette on the ground than clean a bit the ashes with her feet.

I roll my eyes back bored. I try to get off the bed and get up on my feet. I go to the bathroom little room inside the room. I look at myself in the glass and see I still have the ruined makeup on my face, I look like I've been hit by the death itself. I wanna pee so I go to close the door, but Lucy put her hand to stop me from closing the door.

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