Selfishly Indecisive boy

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{Black and red}

[past memories, 6 months after break up]


"You don't care about anything don't you?!"

I screamed at him, taken by impulses of uncontrollable anger.

"Stop," he comes to raise his hand above me.

"What, you're gonna fucking slap me?! Go on!"

"Stop it"

"Nobody's telling you the truth, we'll if nobody wants to open your eyes and tell you the real things, Then I will because I'm fucking sick of your bullshit..."

He came to cut me off, but I didn't let him do it.

"Yeah, maybe you don't have an easy life, but so do and I don't treat people like shit like you do!"

I threw those words at him, without even thinking about what he could feel.

All that fight happening because of some event that happened one week ago.


I'm high on weed, walking across the street with him. He is talking about a biography of Kurt Cobain, he finished reading last night. I love the way he talks so passionately about his things. A thought came into my mind, and I just said it without thinking.

"I love you"

He stayed silent for a while and he suddenly stopped.


"You're you and when we talk I just forget about all my problems"

He laughed.

"Keep on, you're flattering my ego"

"Well, you have a lot of ego"

"That's not a quality darling"

I smirked at his face before explaining to him that for me yes because I have a lot of ego of myself too.

"So like you like me..?"

"No, I like the elephant of my neighbour"

"Yes you dummy!"

"Like you like my me?"

"Yes I love you you, stop making me repeat it!"

"Well it's true that you seduced me a long time ago"

"Yeah I know"

He Looked at my lips but didn't even try to make a move or anything, he simply asked me something.

"So like I can kiss, like even at school?"

"Yes you can"


The night goes on flirting with each others. Friday pass just like the weekend does after, and Monday comes up. We smiled at each others when we saw each others at school but then at the end of the day, I saw him kissing another girl in front of me and he told her that he loved her.


"Stop it!"

He shouted at me with tears in the corner of his eyes and his fist was closed on his palms really hard.

"Look, okay! I'm sick of all the girls prowling around me all the time, it makes me wanna fucking hang myself"

"Oh poor little boy"

"You really Gonna Fucking Cry about That?! Because we both know that this is bullshit. You wanna kill yourself, let me give you a real fucking reason to make you wanna pull the trigger!"

His eyes looked like they wanted to kill me on the spot, but he kept his calm and stood there. Instead, he just said something.

"Fuck You"

"Yeah, with pleasure, you're always coming back to me anyway at some point"

"No, you're the one who does"

"If you wanna lie to yourself and tell yourselfbig fat lies go on, I don't even give a single shit at that point"

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