Summer Love

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[past memories, summer time relationship chapter]


"I'm gonna catch you, you're gonna see"

"Yeah right"

We were running in a wild forest path. The sun was shining like normally in August summer months. There was a huge hollow with water and rocks on the ground of the hollow. I jumped on the first rock. It was so little and he was getting so steady. He jumped on the same rock and I fell in the water. The look on his face was saying « oh shit ».

"Shit I'm sorry"

I started laughing and he smirked. He reached out his hand to me to help me get up, so I took it and then pulled him into the water by my side. I smiled and laughed at his annoyed air on his face. He smirked and breathed of funny discouragement. I held up and climbed the edge of the hollow.

"You gonna follow me or stay to soak in this dirty water?" did I say to tease him

"Shut up" did he say at the same time he was rolling his eyes back.

He held up and joint me. We were all soaked. We sat down next to each other at the foot of a very large and tall Crying Willow tree. He took out his vintage lighter and a pack of cigarettes from his leather coat pocket. He took one cigarette, light it up with his lighter and put back the pack and the lighter in his pocket. He took a puff, inhaled it and blew it into the air while letting a cloud of smoke rise into the air while evaporating. He looked at me with a chill and happy face. I lay down on the floor and put my head on his knees. He coughed. My eyes rolled back.


"It's not good for you" did I answer with a worried way.

"You don't need to worry for me baby" did he retort looking down at me while playing with my hair and smoking. I get silent at the "baby".

"You're not better neither by the way"

"What do you mean?"

"You've finished really drunk a lot this summer, you were taking a lot of drugs before and made yourself those scars on your arms 8 months ago"

"The last two things were before you got in my life and for being a lot drunk, maybe I just like having fun and maybe it's one of my favourite things?

"Well, then cigarettes are my favourite thing"

"Seriously, cigarettes are your favourite thing?"

"No, it's your legs"

He had a teasing smile on. I laughed a bit with a straight serious face. He turned off his cigarette by crushing it on the floor then he looked at me and kissed me.

I sat with my back to him so he could give me back hug and forehead kisses..

"I love you Noah"

"I love you too Molly"

He gave me a forehead kiss after he finished his lined. There was a black-purple-red flower close to us. He gave me one. I smiled at him. Took other flowers from the same flower and made a flower crown with them.


"What you're gonna see"

Once I finished it, I put the crown on his dark brown hair head. He laughed then took the crown off his head and put it on mine.

"Here, that's better"

"I look like Bambi, don't I?"

"You kinda more look like Fleur the mouffette in the movie Bambi"

"How dare you"

Did I say with a surprised look on my face while slapping his shoulder a bit. He had this flirty smile in the corner of his mouth at the same time he was playing with my hair. I smiled at his face then closed my eyes. I could hear his heart beating so fast in a fight or flight way, the water flowing into the deep water path hole and the wind was calm. I took out of my bag, my book and started reading it.

"What are you reading?"

"Girl in Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow"

"What is it about?"

"Well, it's about a teenage girl of seventeen-year-old named Charlotte who already lost more than most people lose in a lifetime at such a young age, and she tries to find her way back from the deep edge. Lost her dad and her best friend, lost like gone forever and her mom can't really help her, so..."


I beamed at his interest.

"Can you read it to me?" did he said smiling.
"«Adrenaline forces me along. »I mean was I just a freak show for you?» I feel scared, I feel loose and lost, but each word that comes out feels powerful. A sterile automated voice cuts into the line. This phone call will reach its limit in four minutes. That's right. I remember that; at Creeley, the community phone shut out after then minutes. »Charlie.» He's crying, a childish whine, like something a person does,when they don't want others to hear. The sound of his crying sneaks into me, scratches at my heart. He says my name again. I scrape at my wet face with the back of my hand. »I loved you, Riley.» It hurts, saying it out loud, letting it balloon up and away from me. »Please, « he cries, » baby—» The line goes dead.»" I closed my book and put it back in my bag.

"I like when you read to me"

"Oh yeah?"

I turned my head to look at him.

"Yeah" did he say with a flirty way.

"Well, I like when you kiss me"

"You do?"

"Yes, I do"

"Come here then"

I turn my face to him and put a kiss on his lips.

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