Youth centre

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[past memories, middle 10th grade year of high school chapter]


At exactly nine a.m., my alarm wakes me up. I make it stop and take my phone off the charger. I get dressed, eat, brush my teeth and get in my car. I drive to the youth center and park in the parking lot. I get in the building and go up to the reception.

"Hi I'm here to pick up my little sister Daisy Trent" I say to the woman at the reception on the other side of the desk.

"What unit is she in?" she asks me not even looking up at me.

"Unit five"

"Marvin!" She shouts out of nowhere. A guy runs fast at her side trying to get his breath back before speaking;

"Yeah Nat?"

"Could you go tell Daisy Trent, unit five to pack her things, her brother is here to pick her up"

He nods at the receptionist and walk away. She takes a Formular from the pile and shove it on the desk and hand a pen in my direction "Sign the form to confirm you picked her up and could you show me an ID to be sure of who you are". I take out my drivers license from my wallet and show it to her before signing. I hand the form to her, "You can go wait on one of the chairs" she says. I go sit and not so many times after, Daisy walks in the room with bags in her hands. She drops them on the floor in front of me and hug me tightly. "Missed you so much Noah," she says. "Missed you too" I answer back. I take her bag in my hand and head out with her outside the centre, heading to my car. I put the bags in the back. She sits in the front with me and put her belt on as I do it. I start the engine and drive out of the parking lot and get on the road. "How's dad?" she ask full of hope in her voice. I feel a gulp get in the way of my throat squeezing it and making it hard to talk "He's... he's okay I guess".

"Rehab didn't work," she says her head looking down at her feet looking a bit disappointed. "Daisy, you know..." I came to start saying but she cuts me off, "No, I know it's not easy, no need to remind me Noah, again". That came out harsh out of her mouth. She put on Korn on the Bluetooth of the car. I feel suddenly bad for not trying more to help my dad even though it isn't my job to. He's the one who's choosing the bus over the recovery. He's the one choosing alcohol over his own children, not me. So why would I feel bad for that? I shouldn't, but I do though. I hate my thoughts so much, they get so loud sometimes that I can't even hear my own logical sense out of it. As I'm driving, with my sister singing out loud at my right, I'm trying to concentrate my vision on the road and replace my thought back in a straight path to help me. I drive to a breakfast restaurant, we park in front of the building and get inside it. A waitress welcomes us and guide us to a free table with a menu on it. She brings us glasses filled with water. I leaf through the menu and decide to take a grilled cheese with a strawberry and banana smoothie. Daisy decides to take chocolate chip pancakes with an apple juice and a hot chocolate. I find the mix of taking both apple juice and hot chocolate, a bit strange. Daisy changed her hair from last time I saw her, they were black with blueish reflect and now they were still black but with a fuse of pink stripes in them. I remember the first time she dyed her hair, it was on a cold afternoon of winter last year. Molly was there at our house, and she actually was the one to dye Daisy's hair cause she asked her herself to. She asked her to dye them in a dark brown colour. Daisy always found Molly's hair cool. She also was the first to tell me I was stupid when I flirted with another girl to make Molly jealous. My sister always had the eyes of our mom, dark green blue light iris, but she also had a little brown in the back of them too. I'm not really there right now, I'm mostly lost deep down buried in my thoughts but Daisy's voice snapped me out of it. I look up and meet her blue eyes staring at me looking concerned. "You okay?" she asks weirdly. "Y~Yah, I do not worry" I take a couple of breaths and not so long after, our order arrives in the plates and glasses being put gently on our table. As we both start eating our meals, I get a text from Kurt, a friend of mine.

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