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[past memories at a party, middle 10th grade year of high school chapter]


I hate her so bad right now. I hate the way I love her and probably always will. Maybe, yes she is mad at me because I flirted with a random girl. But I only did it because I wanted to make her jealous or want to love me more since she was starting to get weird and a bit distant in her mind. Maybe I shouldn't have done it, since it was really shitty of me, but it's not a reason to make a big deal out of it. I apologized, we talked and then she says we're done! What the fuck? I'm at a party, at some rich boy parents' house, sitting on a couch trying to avoid all these people around. I guide myself to the back door to go outside to smoke a cigarette while suddenly I see her sitting on the counter of the kitchen wearing a short tight dress, a beer in her left hand and a boy standing in front of her. She laughs while he's talking to her. He leans to her right ear and whisper something in it. Once he finished his line, she laughs and he replaces his head like before. She put a smirk on her lips as he looks at her like she's just a piece of meat. The motherfucker is probably going to take advantage of the fact that she's under alcohol, of my Molly. She gets off the counter and goes upstairs with him. Passing in front of me like if I was a stranger, not even giving me a look.

I decide to finally go outside, smoke. As I light up the tip of my cigarette, all I can think of is her and the way the guy was looking at her. I'm clearly not concentrating because by accident I burn myself with my lighter. I start to smoke my cig. Inhale it, then blow it out of my mouth. After finishing smoking, I get back inside and direct me back to the couch in the living room where everyone is talking, dancing, making out and even smoking pot. As I go to the couch, I notice someone taking the couch for all by himself. The dude looks pretty wasted or high. He's lying on his back looking absently, staring at the ceiling as if he was seeing things, like hallucinating shit on drugs. I go up to him and ask him if he's alright.

"You okay dude?"

He slowly turns his head to me, looking up at me. It takes a minute for him to process what I said and answer with a hoarse voice.

"Yeah... you... I just took mush"

He chuckles. I nod and go get myself a beer and get back to the guy. Noticing my desire of wanting to sit down too, he sits up on the couch, his head laying back on the couch pillows, looking up at the ceiling. I sit next to him, drinking my beer. He turns his gaze to me and ask me something.

"Yo, I think you're in one of my classes, like inside... math? I think"


"Weren't you the one who was dating the crazy chick who likes to sleep like with a tone of guys lately?"

What the hell did he just say? Is this how boys are seeing her, a "crazy chick who slept with tons of lately". Is this really how they see her?

"I guess"

"Yeah, she has a pretty pair of it..."

He doesn't have the time to finish his line that he pukes on my jeans. He looks sorry.

"Fuck man... I'm sorry"

Fuck me for real. Why on me? He could've done it on the floor, but no, he chose my legs. This night is getting shittier I swear. I get up and walk upstairs. Go to the bathroom and start washing my jeans with paper towels and water. The jeans on my thigh are now soaked by water. I try to make it dry with a towel, rubbing the tissue fast on it, but it won't work. I give up and get out of the room. I hear screams coming from a room with the door closed on the floor, between the loud music playing downstairs. I try to open the door but it's locked, so I decide to make it open by pressing on it with all the strength I have in me. The lock yields and open, letting me make my way in. The room is dark, but there is a bit of light giving me the ability to see what is going on. On the bed I see Molly that is trying to fight back the guy over her body, with his dick out. He slaps her and she passes out, when he notices, he goes to get in her but I intervene. I push him, making him fall on the floor. He put his pants on back, tries to get up and fight me back. I knock him and he tries to get out of the room, but I push him on the wall and go up to him looking his death in the eyes.

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