Skiping school

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[past memories in April, 10th grade year of high school chapter]


I'm eating in the lunchroom, sitting and feeling a gaze burning into my cheeks, staring at me. I look up and see him sitting across the room, looking at me with a smirk on his face. I was reading a novel, but as I see Noah's face I don't even wanna stay in here anymore. I roll my eyes back at him and get up and start walking to the door to get out. A random boy in one of my classes, called Dylan, ask me something for our class work looking flirty, if that was his way of trying to flirt, clearly it wasn't gonna work for me. Suddenly, Noah gets here fast and push him out of his way.

"The fuck is your problem Noah?" I shout at him.

"Don't talk to him"

The other student back off.

"Fuck it, I don't have time to deal with this" am I saying before walking away but he takes my right hand and makes me turn around face to him. He takes me by my chin with his left hand to make me look up to his eyes.

"Oh please, stop playing hard to get Molly. You know what I'm capable of"

"What, you're going to beat me?" I approach my face to his and continue my phrase daring "You won't do shit".

Noah grabs my shirt and pins me on the door frame. Another student gasp looking at our argument. He presses his body on mine "Don't underestimate me, sweetheart,"

I push him away with a certain straight, come closer and look at his death serious in the eyes.

"Don't you ever fucking touch me again?"

He smirks and put his face closer to mine only a few inches from it. An arrogant air appears on his face.

"What are you going to do about it?"

I smack Noah across the cheeks really hard, leaving a big red mark on it.

"Harder, harder!"

Does he answer with a smile across his mouth?

"You know how much I like it rough."

"Leave me the-fuck-alone, don't ever touch my body or anything"

"You can't be serious Molly, where's the fun if I don't touch you? You can't stay mad at me forever and you know it"

"You disgust me"

Do I say harshly.

"That's just a little hurtful"

His eyes shift, going from making intense eye contact, to my hair, my mouth and then my neck.

"Eyes up perv"

"Make me"

I try to get away walking out of the cafeteria walking in the hallways. I notice Noah following me as I walk down the hall.

"Hey! Wait up!"

He shouts at me while catching up to me before grabbing my arm. I turn up for him.

"Where are you going? You don't actually think you can just walk away from me, can't you?"

"Far away from you if you really wanna know, asshole!"

"I have some things to tell you"

"I don't wanna hear them"

"Shut up"

He whispers as he places a finger on my lips and pushes my head back so my neck is exposed. He looks me up and down before looking at me in the eyes. The kind of look I hate to be looked at when I'm mad at him. His eyes looking at me like somehow he finds something or a reason to continue being persistent, in mine.

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