Dark Time Love

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{Dark brown}

[past memories, 3 months after break up]


I was standing there as if my feet were fixed to the ground in cement hardened like rock impossible to break. I saw them kissing at the door. I just had a violent fight and I just collapsed in sobs. My tears were flowing on my cheek. I wanted him to look at me, to come to hug me and tell me that everything's gonna be alright. I wanted him to tell me that I didn't need to hate myself for everything that happened. I needed him, but he was too busy with her. With the girl who betrayed him so many times before, the girl who he told me he hated so badly when we were together. I walked slowly towards the door. I was walking like a death zombie girl, my eyes looking at the void, tears and confusion on the face. He probably remarked the way I was at that moment, but he didn't check up on or even asked me if I was alright. I just run to the bathroom and locked myself in one of the cabins. I put my hands on my mouth to cover my sobbing sound, I wanted to scream and kick everything so bad. I had so much sadness and anger inside. My thoughts were running by many, around so much faster. I could do anything right now, but I'm stuck in a bathroom cabinet waiting to be saved by someone or just maybe by myself.


I'm getting out of that hell place that is called high school. I just wanted to change my mind so I walk in the forests past the school and I kick everything in my path. I wanna scream of pain and let people know how I feel on the inside. I get back into the school and go to the bathroom to check myself in the glass. I look at myself and I wanna cry, I'm holding the tears in my eyes and get out of there. He walks in front of me, he goes outside and I decide to go to the isolated steps. I kicked the walls with my big dumb boots and then the sobs hit. I stick to the wall and then collapsed until I landed sitting on the ground. I'm crying again. I needed to go hide myself in a bathroom. I get out of here, but I see him standing up there on the wall on his phone just waiting the time passes. He looked at me in a way I wished I never saw again. The way he was looking like he had questions but didn't care enough to ask. I felt like he had felt disgusted by me, I know it's all in my head. I just run away.

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