Hot Night

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Something was missing in this painting, but I couldn't get the finger on what was that. I sit down on the chair place in front of my painting easel and rest a bit. I look up at the canvas trying to just relax and contemplate the work I did for now. One of my cats run into the room galloping around trying to catch the little blue wool ball full of catnip inside it. I startle at the sound of my phone ringing cause someone is calling me on the phone. I leaned over the door frame of my art studio to answer the call. Nobody talked when I answered.


"You didn't call me to let me know that you were alright"

I recognize his voice.

"Oh Fuck..." I thought to myself

"It's been two days"

"I know I'm sorry, are you mad?"


"Really mad?"

"A bit less since you answered my call I think"

"Is there anything I can do to make you forgive me"

"Maybe the boys and I are gonna jam a bit later, you could come and we could watch a movie maybe after"

His proposition was looking alright.

"Sounds good for me"



I got there at the times when the boys were gonna leave his place.

"Hey, want a beer?" Noah asks me.

"Heh, yeah sure"

He went to get some in the fridge in his kitchen, before giving me one he opened it for me.

"Thanks," I let out.

Noah nodded to signify that I was welcome while he was taking a sip of his beer.

"Can I see you play something?"

He looks at me a bit surprised "You already heard me playing when we were teenagers," he says.

"Yeah and? I wanna hear you playing again" I smile, "I like it"

He sighed with a little smile on the corner then took his bass in his hand, connected it on his amp that he turned on afterwards and lowered the volume knowing that my ears are sensitive to really loud noises.

Took a sip before starting to play, put his bottle on the table next to him then play something he created yesterday but didn't finish yet. Just hearing him play was giving me chills down my spine, but in a good sense.

Once he finished, Noah turned off the amp then unplugged the bass to it and put his bass with the other one. I smiled at him while he was staring at me. He sat next to me on the couch and ask, "Horror Movie?"

"The horror movie" do I agree.

We watched Gremlins, even though both of us probably saw it at least a hundred times. Once the movie finished, we got out to smoke.

"Can I stay tonight?" Do I ask him before crushing my cigarette on the ground.

"Yeah sure, you can sleep in my bed, I'll just sleep on the ground"

I laughed. Surprisingly, when we got in his room and I lay down on his bed, he took a pillow and put it on the ground.

"You're really going to sleep on the ground?"

"Yes, I am"

"Stop kidding me, just come sleep with me jeez"

"It's better if I don't"

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