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I winced, rubbing the back of my head. I'd been getting splitting headaches lately and it was really bothering me. I glanced behind me as the castle disappeared out of view. I wasn't sure why I'd pledged allegiance to King Ren but I'd done it now, and I wasn't the type to betray someone. Especially not someone Bdubs was fond of.

I sighed. I did a small jump into the air, simultaneously firing a rocket. I was propelled into the air. It would be much faster to fly back to his base. As my base came into view I glanced at how bare it was guiltily. I'd gotten sidetracked making the mini game for Scar's event so my base had been very neglected. And if I went through the rift I wasn't sure it would get worked on for even longer.

I landed softly on the grass. I suddenly realised the sun was setting, disappearing over the horizon. I let out a yawn, stretching my jaw wide. I hadn't realised I was tired until now. I wandered over to his bed. I laid down, tucking myself under the covers. I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I opened my eyes. I got the sense I was dreaming. I was in a purpleish void place, which was oddly familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it. I looked around curiously, wondering why I was here.

"Etho" a voice said suddenly, "show yourself". I jumped at the slithery sound of the voice.

"I'm right here..?" I trailed off, confused.

I cried in surprise as I saw an exact copy of myself walk out of the fog. Only this version of myself wore a dark purple robe. Large mauve wings sprouted from my replicas back. My normal grey eye was a neon purple, and the usual 'E' that was in my headband was replaced by a symbol that looked like a disjointed square. I stared at the copycat confused.

"I am here" the replica spoke in my voice.

"You know what you are to do?" The voice growled.

"Yes master" the fake version of me said.

"What is happening?" The real me spoke up, feeling unnerved, "who is that?"

The fake me turned to face me.

"I am you" it spoke, "but better".

I took a step back, confused.

"We have little need for you now" the voice said to me, "but you may stay for a little longer as you will not remember any of this".

"What do you mean?" I stammered.

"You don't need to worry" the voice said, with glee clear in its tone. The fake me stared at me and they simultaneously said:
"We are you".

I awoke with a gasp. I knew I'd been dreaming, but what about? I racked my brain searching for a clue but my mind was blank.

I grunted in irritation. I wanted to know why I wasn't remembering any dreams.

But there was nothing I could do.

Life had dramatically changed when the Hermit's came through the rift. And since it seemed the rift had closed they would likely be here for a while longer.

I tapped my fingers along the arm of my chair. I was bored. Maybe I could go steal something from Pix or Joey to pass the time.

I smiled to myself. Jimmy still had no idea of the existence of the underground market. More and more people were learning of it too, which meant if it was discovered, less blame would be put on me.

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