Goodbyes - Epilogue

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Everything had really gotten better. All those who had been stuck under the command of the Watchers had been freed. Everyone's wounds had been tended to. They were really lucky no one had been killed. No one but Ren.

I felt tears gather. Burying Ren had been one of the hardest things I'd ever had to do, but I'd gotten through it. Only when the last shovelful of dirt was thrown on his grave did I allow myself to cry. I was trying really hard to feel happy but I'd just murdered my best friend, it didn't feel right to celebrate.

"You okay?" Etho murmured. The Canadian sat beside me, watching the sunset.

"I'm okay" I smiled, twining my fingers with Etho's. With a sigh I stared out to the horizon.

Tomorrow we were leaving. Many didn't want to leave but Xisuma had decided it was for the best. We'd caused enough trouble for Empires. I felt excited that I could continue work on my mega base again. It had been so long.

But so much had changed, I wasn't sure I could just continue life as normal. Ren was dead and there was still a lot of mistrust towards those who had been on Ren's side, especially Etho. Most had given Etho and the others the cold shoulder, not saying anything really harsh, but not being exactly kind. I was also in that boat.

Hermits and Emperors alike were ignoring me, even though in the end I was on their side. It was getting better though. With the encouragement of Xisuma and Fwip most had forgiven the others.

Tango, Scar and Scott were copping the worst of it. They weren't entirely innocent, they'd agreed to let their minds be taken. I had forgiven them though. I'd decided I didn't want to hold grudges. We'd been lucky to even get out alive. I had to remember that.

"What's on your mind?" Etho smiled at me. Etho had taken to not wearing his mask when around me.

"Oh not much" I replied vaguely, "just thinking about everything".

"That doesn't sound like 'not much'" Etho laughed, "you can tell me".

"I feel so guilty" I sighed, "I feel like all this is my fault".

"Hey" Etho nudged me, "no one blames you. No one could have predicted this would happen".

"Some of them do though" I smiled grimly, "you see the looks they give me".

"Well I can say I don't blame you" Etho told me, "and I'm the one that matters most, right?".

"Right" I smiled at him. I let out a breath, leaning against Etho's side.

"I wish Ren was still here" I confessed, "I feel so guilty..."

"Hey, you did the right thing" Etho replied, "he'd gone completely mad".

"I don't know if I can go back to normal" I whispered, "so much has happened..."

"It will probably be a long time before things are the same" Etho agreed, "but we have to make the best of it".

"But things won't ever be the same" I turned to look at Etho, "one of our friends are dead, and there's so much mistrust".

"Well we can try" Etho said firmly, "and I'll be here with you, every step of the way". My lip wobbled with emotion. I let the tears fall, their heat stinging my face.

"Hey, don't cry" Etho drew me into a tight hug, "everything will be alright".

And in that moment, I believed him.


It was all over.

I almost couldn't believe it. So much had changed, some for the better, and some for the worst. Either way I was relieved it was all over, and it was time to go home.

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