Incorrect Quotes

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Here's some incorrect quotes featuring the Hermits and Emperors. Let me know if you want a part two lol

*in a cafe*
Bdubs: Ren how do you like your coffee?
Ren: As dark and bitter as my soul
Bdubs: And one glass of milk

Scott: *teasing* I'm the big spoon~
Jimmy: Nuuu I wanna be big spoon~
Joel: Can I be the fork?

Bdubs: *does something stupid*
Etho: *chuckles* idiot

Xisuma: How was your honeymoon?
Scar: Grian got drunk and set our marriage certificate on fire because they can't 'return me without the receipt'

Cleo: I hate you!
Jevin: I hate me more!
Cleo: Darling we've talked about this

Bdubs: What if I pour coffee into my cereal instead of milk?
Etho: *taking the coffee pot away* what if you don't

Xisuma: Cleo apologise to Jevin
Cleo: Fine, 'unfuck you' or whatever

Bdubs: *screams*
Grian: *screams louder to assert dominance*
Etho: Should we stop them?
Ren: No I want to see who wins

Pearl: Where are you going?
Scott: To get ice cream or commit a felony, I'll decide on the way

Scar: Theif
Grian: Thief?
Scar: Theif
Grian: I before E except after C
Scar: Thcief
Grian: No

Cleo: You love me right Xisuma?
Xisuma: Normally I'd say yes without hesitation but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don't like it

*Scott Tango and Scar are sitting at a bench*
Bdubs: Why do you guys look so sad?
Tango: Sit down with us so we can tell you
Bdubs:  *sits down*
Tango: The bench is freshly painted

Cleo: You seem familiar, have I threatened you before?

Scar: Man I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running?
Grian: Oh I'm always running
Grian: The question is from what

Joel: So I've made the decision to trust you
Grian: A horrible decision really

Pearl: So apparently the 'bad vibes' I've been feeling are actually severe psychological distress

Pearl: Turns out Cleo both talks in her sleep and sleepwalks
Xisuma: What does she say?
Cleo: *sleepwalking* what the fuck did you say Jevin I'll break your fucking legs
Cleo: *walks into a wall* square the fuck up thot
Xisuma: Oh..

Bdubs: *hugs Etho*
Etho: What the fuck is this
Bdubs: Affection
Etho: Disgusting
Etho: Do it again

Scott: *looks over at Jimmy*
Scott: Apparently my type is dumb blondes

Cleo: Some people are like slinkies
Cleo: They aren't really good for anything, but they bring a smile to my face when I push them down a flight of stairs :)
Xisuma: NO!

Jevin: I think I could make you very happy
Cleo: Why? Are you leaving?

⏃⟟☌⏃⋉: I'm not doing to well
Ren: Why? What's wrong?
⏃⟟☌⏃⋉: I have this headache that comes and goes
Grian: *enters room*
⏃⟟☌⏃⋉: There it is again

*the gang's thoughts on stabbing*
Bdubs: Would never stab anyone
Etho: Would stab in retaliation
Scar: Yells 'I won't hesitate bitch' first
Scott & Ren: Would stab without warning
Tango: Would stab as a warning

Xisuma: Are we really going to let Pearl keep Sausage?
Cleo: We kept Jevin

Tango: What? I'm not aggressive
Etho: Last Tuesday you hit me with a pair of crocks and stole my chocolate chips
Tango: Survival of the fittest bitch

Sausage: So are you two friends?
Jimmy: Yes.
Joel: No.

Ren: Sorry for my butt guys it's kinda big

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