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Did I do the right thing? I'm sure he means well but he lied...

I was so confused. The shock of Grian's revelation had made my mind whirl with confusion. I was questioning whether I had done the right thing or not. I knew exile was harsh, but Grian had lied about something so huge... I felt compelled to do it. I hated being the mean one. I tried to be supportive and caring but this was a side of my job I tried my best to avoid. It wasn't the first time I'd had to banish someone but it still hurt.

What confused me most was how Grian hid his true self. He must have buried it so deep it didn't even show in his code. I had hoped Ren had been lying but what he said about Grian joining in season six and the Watchers attacking not long after just made too much sense. I decided I needed some advice, reassurance I'd done the right thing.

I'll talk to Cleo, I decided. I began to walk in the direction of her house. I paused at the door before knocking.

"Hello?" Cleo opened the door, looking sleepy, "oh hey X, can I help you?"

"Can I come in?" I said, guilty about waking her up, "I need some advice".

"Sure" Cleo opened the door wider so I could step inside. Cleo shut the door behind me.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Did I do the right thing, exiling Grian?" I sighed, "It feels wrong".

"You did the right thing" Cleo shook her head, "he can't lie about something like that and expect to get away with it".

"I guess your right" I murmured, "but he hasn't done anything to hurt us".

"He brought the Watchers to us" Cleo reminded me, "none of this would have happened if it wasn't for him".

"True" I agreed.

"Trust me X" Cleo patted my shoulder, "you're in the right". I smiled at her gratefully. I felt a little better now. It still felt wrong but I felt reassured.

"Now shoo, I need to sleep before Pearl gets back and doesn't leave me alone" Cleo ushered me towards the door.

"I thought you didn't need to sleep?" I laughed.

"I don't, but it helps my wounds heal faster" Cleo shrugged, "bye bye".

"Bye Cleo" I walked out the door with a wave.

I definitely felt lighter now. But I still needed to figure out what to do. This had gone on too long, Ren needed to pay. I remembered with a jolt that Bdubs was in fact, on our side. In the chaos of the last two days I'd completely forgotten. I figured I should probably send someone to see if they could get some information out of him.

I glanced up at the sky. The sun was just starting to rise. I'd send someone out in about an hour once everyone had woken up. Hopefully I'd be able to get some intel on what Ren was planning. I had a plan forming, but I needed more information first. I watched as a few Hermits and Emperors began waking up and poking their heads out their doors. I had to fix this for them.

After all, I am their leader.


Oh no, oh no, oh no.

I took in a deep breath, trying to calm my anxiety. Capturing Grian was the worst possible thing that could've happened. Worst yet he'd been completely exiled by Xisuma so they'd be in no hurry to rescue him. For the mean time Grian had been put back into his former cell but with higher security. I wasn't sure why, but Ren hadn't asked him to guard it, or give him food. I was beginning to worry Ren was suspicious. Surely he couldn't know anything right?

I exhaled slowly. Worrying would get me no where. I wondered if Xisuma had forgotten about me. I'd been told to expect someone to come to me in the next day or two but it had now been four days. I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder. I spun around but no one was there.

"Hello?" I called.

"Shhh Bdubs it's me, Impulse" came the hushed tone of Impulse's voice, "come outside".

"Oh, okay". Maybe they haven't forgotten about me, I thought. I glanced around to make sure no one was watching before making my way out the door and into the forest. When I had gone far enough I turned around to see the faint glimmer of Impulse.

"What's up?" I said curiously.

"Hey man, sorry we kinda forgot you were with us" Impulse laughed, "have you got any intel?"

"Not really" I shook my head, "Ren has refused to tell me anything lately. He won't even let me near Grian". Impulse's face hardened as I spoke his name.

"So you guys did capture him?" Impulse sighed, "I feel kinda bad".

"I'm sure you do" I snorted, "you kicked him out for something he can't control".

"What are yours thoughts on the whole thing?" Impulse winced, "did you already know?"

"Of course. Ren told me when he first learned about it" I rolled my eyes, "I admit I felt angry that he lied but in the end he hasn't got any bad intentions. It's not his fault".

"I guess you're right" Impulse said, "but it's not something any of us can take lightly, considering what they have done and are doing to us".

"That's fair enough" I nodded, "but try and find a way to forgive him. In a time like this being divided will only make matters worse".

"Yeah" Impulse agreed, "I'll talk to Xisuma, but while he's got Cleo hanging over his shoulder I doubt he'll be open to forgiveness".

"Oh dear" I gulped, "Cleo's stubborn, it will take a miracle for her to forgive him". Impulse nodded in agreement.

"I do have some information" I added, "I know Ren is planning something big, and the Watchers have been criticising his every move. They keep threatening him with the backup plan, whatever that is".

"That's useful information" Impulse nodded, "thanks Bdubs".

"Be careful Impulse" I warned, "you underestimate Ren. He's not the bubbly friend he once was. He's completely insane".

"I'll be careful" Impulse promised, "I need to know though... is it really Ren that's doing this?"

"To be honest, I have no idea" I sighed, "but I can tell you your Soup Group shenanigans did not help".

"Right" Impulse said guiltily.

"Bdubs?" said a deep voice behind me.I jumped and whipped around. I saw disapproving multicoloured eyes staring at me.

Oh no.

Etho had caught us.

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