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I smiled softly, feeling relieved. Grian was safe at last. I felt a pang of guilt that we weren't able to rescue Joel. Whatever they did to him made it so we couldn't do anything to help him. It was too dangerous and he was too powerful. I glanced at Cleo. I frowned in concern as I noticed a bloody gash on her side.

"Are you okay?" I asked, "that looks painful".

"Oh it's nothing" Cleo dismissed, "Etho just nicked me with his sword".

"Still, we better treat it, we can't have it getting infected" I said stubbornly. Cleo let out a sigh and nodded in defeat.

"Okay here, lay on the bed" I instructed. Cleo obeyed and lay down, visibly wincing. I went to a chest and pulled out some supplies. Healing and regeneration potions, antibacterial wipes, gauze bandages, a bowl of water, cloth, thread and a thin needle. Cleo's eyes widened as I brought them over.

"It's going to need stitches" I informed her, "sorry but I don't think we have anything to numb the pain".

"It's fine" Cleo said. I knew she'd say that. Even if she was dying Cleo wouldn't admit anything hurt.

"I'm going to clean it first" I told her.

I dragged a seat over to beside the bed, as well as grabbing a cup of water. I put everything in position before turning to my patient. The gash was on right side and it ran down her belly to her hip. It had ripped her clothes, I made a mental note to ask Lizzie for some spares. I carefully peeled away the bloodstained fabric. I heard Cleo let out a gasp as I did so.

"Sorry" I apologised, "this will probably hurt".

"It's fine" Cleo said through gritted teeth, "do what you must".

I tried to get it done as quick as she could. When the fabric was away from the wounded area, I grabbed the cloth before dipping it in the water. I pressed it gently against the wound, beginning to softly wipe away the dried blood and dirt. I looked quickly at Cleo's face. The zombie hybrid looked expressionless but I knew her well enough to know that was her pain reflex.

When I was satisfied the worst of the blood and dirt was gone I put the cloth back in the water. I picked up some antibacterial wipes and wiped the wound with them. I felt Cleo stiffen as the alcohol stung her. I finished it as quickly as I could. I picked up another cloth, reaching to grab the regeneration potion.

Health potions were best used for sickness or infections whereas regeneration ones were better for physical wounds. I dipped the cloth in the potion and dabbed it on the wound. It would help speed up the healing process significantly. With the potion it should be fully healed in around two to three days, whereas without it it could take weeks.

"Time for the scary part" I told her, "you might want to grab something". Cleo nodded and placed her hand on my knee.

I lifted up the needle and threaded the stitching through it. I had only done this a few times so I hoped I wouldn't mess it up. I took a deep breath and poked the needle through Cleo's skin. Slowly and carefully I began to stitch Cleo's wound closed. As I went I felt Cleo grip my knee tightly, occasionally letting out little groans of pain. After about twenty minutes, I tied a knot and sat back with a sigh.

"All done" I smiled.

"Thank you so much" Cleo said gratefully, grimacing as she sat up.

"Try not to do too much work for the next few days" I instructed, "and let me know if the stitches come undone".

"I will" Cleo awkwardly shuffled forward and pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back with an amused smile.

"Pearl what is this?" Cleo suddenly pulled away frowning, "there's something on your neck.." I felt confused.

"What do you mean?" I stood up and grabbed a mirror, "where?"

"It's on like the back of you neck" Cleo said, "it looks like a square but it's kinda disjointed, and it's purple".

"Strange" I felt a jolt of realisation, "isn't that the symbol of the Watchers?". Cleo's eyes went wide.

"Yes, but why is it on your neck?" Cleo looked just as confused as I felt.

The two of us jumped as we heard a bloodcurdling scream sound from outside. A moment later Jevin burst through the doorway, bleeding from a gash on his thigh.

"They found us again" he gasped, "they brought Joel and he nearly killed me".

"Oh no" Cleo murmured, "how did they find us?"

"I have no idea" Jevin shivered, "but we have to get out of here. We outnumber them but they're too strong". Jevin turned away and ran out the door. Cleo and I jumped to our feet.

"The mark" I whispered, "they must've done something to me that let's them track me. But how?"

"It sounds like some kind of command" Cleo replied, " I remember Xisuma telling me about something like that once".

"But why didn't they do it earlier if it was a command?" I asked, starting to run out the doorway.

"It requires the person to be in front of the commander, and for them to touch you" Cleo explained, "did Etho touch you at all while we were fighting?"
I racked my brain, trying to remember.

"Yes he did" I realised, "he grabbed me for a split second to slam me against the wall".

"That would've been enough" Cleo nodded, "it's basically a command that allows the admin to see the coordinates of whoever was marked".

"Oh no" I whimpered, "so it's my fault they're here".

"No it's not" Cleo retorted, "so let's get out there and save them".

I nodded, fighting tears. I drew my sword out and ran with Cleo out into the fray. I took a moment to look before diving in. Katherine, Shelby and Gem were back to back fending off Joel. Xisuma was once again duelling Ren, with Fwip by his side. I saw Jevin running away from Tango, bleeding from several cuts while Cub protected him.

I noticed with a lurch that all of Ren's group wore netherite armour, whilst few of the Emperors and none of the Hermits did. I didn't have time to look anymore so I quickly ran as I saw Scar threatening Sausage.

"Scar get away from him" I moved to block his attack. Sausage stood up and raised his sword again.

"I'm just following orders" Scar shrugged. To my surprise he turned around and walked away, probably to find another target.

"Thanks Pearl" Sausage grinned, "you're a saint".

"No problem" I smiled back. Sausage turned around and went to protect Joey from Etho.

I looked around, trying to see who needed help. I noticed Bdubs sneaking up on Oli, his sword drawn. I ran towards him, shoving him out of the way as Bdubs went to strike. I brought my sword to my chest, just managing to block the attack. Bdubs pulled away. I struck out at him but Bdubs parried it. I kept striking, each time he blocked. His face was almost unreadable, but I wondered why he wasn't fighting back. All of a sudden I felt someone shove me away. I looked down to see Grian.

"Pearl leave him alone!" He said, "he's on our side".

"What?" She laughed, "I just saw him trying to impale Oli".

"He helped me escape" Grian told me, "he won't hurt us".

"I'm not on your side" Bdubs snarled, "I don't know what you're talking about".

"What?" Grian looked crestfallen, "but you let me out so I could help my friends".

"As if I would ever do that" Bdubs gave him a warning look, "stop lying". But Bdubs turned away, leaving the two of us be.

"He let me out of the cell to help you guys on the condition I didn't speak of it" Grian explained, "he isn't as happy with Ren as he says he is".

"Ah, so that's why he wouldn't fight back" I realised, "he doesn't want to hurt us but he also doesn't want to get in trouble with Ren".

"Yeah" Grian agreed, "come on, we need to help the others".

I nodded and raised my sword. It was my fault they had found us, so I'll save them.

Or die trying.

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