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I nervously walked into the stone-walled room. Etho stood in the middle, his back to me.

"Etho?" I called, "you wanted to see me?"

Etho turned slowly, his large purple wings stretched. His heterochromic eyes rested on me with a cold expression. I wanted to shiver under his uncomfortable gaze, feeling it boring into my skin like ice.

"Yes Bdubs" Etho said in a voice that sent shivers up my spine, "I need to discuss something with you".

"What is it?" I gulped. It didn't take a genius to figure out Etho was not himself, which meant I was in real danger.

"Why did you let Impulse escape?" He questioned, "don't lie, I know you did it on purpose".

"I- uh" I took a step back, "I don't know".

"You don't know hmm?" Etho hissed, "I'm sure you and I can figure that out together". In one swift motion Etho stepped behind me, pulling the heavy wooden door shut before bolting it. Etho's eyes crinkled, suggesting a grin.

"Don't be shy, you can tell me anything" he said patronisingly, "we're close after all".

I felt fear squirm in my belly, bile rising in my throat. I had a really bad feeling about this. I bit my tongue, deciding it would be best to stay silent.

"Not talking eh?" Etho cocked his head, "I'm sure I can fix that". Etho drew a wicked looking dagger out from his belt. He raised it up, making me step backwards.

"Wait-" I stammered, "Etho-"

"You're going to tell me everything" Etho said severely, "I will not tolerate lies". Etho stepped closer. I tried to back up but eventually my back hit the wall and I couldn't move further away. Etho stood so close that our faces were mere inches apart. If it were any other time I would have thought he was flirting, but the dagger that rested just short of my throat suggested otherwise.

"Traitor" Etho snarled, "I should've known".

"I'm not a traitor!" I protested. Etho pressed the edge of the blade into my throat, causing a trickle of blood to flow.

"Tell me everything" Etho growled, "or I'm going to have to get violent".

"No" I gasped, "I said I wouldn't lie to Etho but you're not him".

Etho let out a throaty snarl and grabbed me by the collar before flinging me unceremoniously to the floor. I fell face first, landing on my chest with a painful thud. Before I could get up I felt weight pressed against my back. I felt cold hands grab my arm and pin it behind my back. I let out a choked gasp of pain.

"Tell me" Etho said with nothing but pure contempt.

"Let me go" I grunted.

"Not until you tell me what you've been doing" Etho snarled, shoving my face into the stone floor.

"I can't talk wiff my face in the floor" I said, muffled.

Etho released his grip on me briefly before rolling me over so I laid on my back. I stared up at the silvernette who sat perched on my chest. Dread filled me like a trickling tap of icy water.

"Now talk" he spat.

I needed to figure out how to get away, and fast. I reached up quickly to the back of Etho's head. I unclasped his mask, letting it fall next to my head.
Instead of having its desired affect, Etho cocked his head and his mouth widened in a manic grin.

"That doesn't work" Etho laughed, "There is no Etho as you know him to bring back".

"What?" I felt my stomach drop.

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