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I hummed to myself as I flew away into the sky. I let out a giggle. I loved stirring up chaos. That moment with Grian and Scar was just all too perfect. As I returned to my Empire, I spotted a certain woman in a green dress.

"Hey Pearl" I greeted her.

"Hello Scott" She tilted her head at me, "I just ran into Bdubs".

Shit, I had been trying my best to keep my fugitives out of sight, but with Pearl around it was hard. I couldn't afford for her to find out or our cover would be blown.

"What did he want?" I smiled, trying not to act suspicious.

"I don't know, he was acting weird" Pearl looked confused, "then he just kinda disappeared".

"That is weird" My gaze drifted over her shoulder towards the tavern. I spotted a certain man in red in the window waving at me desperately.

I tried to decode what Ren was trying to tell him. The dog man made a variety of hand signals, none of which I could understand. I quickly shrugged my shoulders, pretending something had bitten me.

Ren facepalmed. He turned away from the window. He returned a moment later with a piece of paper that read: we're all inside, I need to talk to you.

"I'm gonna go" I told Pearl casually, "I'll see you later".

"Bye Scott!" Pearl waved cheerfully. She went off towards her house, skipping over the grass happily.

I waited until she had gone through the door before I walked casually towards the tavern. I tried to act normal, even stopping to study a flower or two on the way. I stepped through the door into the tavern. The lights were off and there was no sign that anyone had been in here.

"Hello?" I called, "Ren?"

"Smajor hello" Ren came down the stairs to greet me, Bdubs and Etho quickly following.

"I see you had a close call" I grinned.

"You failed to mention Pearl was living here too" Ren said flatly, "maybe then we could have avoided it".

"Not my problem" I shrugged. Ren gritted his teeth in irritation. He stepped forward so he was closer to me, glaring into my eyes. His tail bushed up signalling he was angry.

I had to keep myself from laughing. I was a good two inches taller than Ren so his attempt to intimidate was feeble. I gave him a smile.

"Smajor you don't speak to your king like that" Ren growled, "might I remind you what happens if you defy me?"

"No need my king" I bowed, "I would never defy you".

Ren's ears twitched, processing my words.

"Good" He hissed, "now I have plans and I need you to find Scar and Tango and bring them here".

"I can do that" I bowed again and backed away.

I walked out the door without looking back. I knew I shouldn't antagonise Ren but it was just too funny. It was all just fun and games right? I didn't think he was serious about his threats.

I launched myself into the air, soaring above the clouds. I decided to go find Tango first, as he was the closest.

I figured I'd best search in Fwip's area, as Tango had been helping the goblin build farms. The entrance to the cave quickly came into view. I landed softly on the ground with a thud. I peered suspiciously down the railway tunnel that took me to Gobland. He reluctantly got into a minecart and pressed the button. I was pushed down the stone tunnel at a rapid speed.

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