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It was time.

I glanced behind me at the gathered Hermits and Emperors. We were making our way to the main entrance of Hermitopia. Fwip walked at my side, occasionally casting a worried look to our friends, as I was doing now. I turned away and continued on. Hermitopia was now in view. I had forgotten how huge it was. Despite it being unfinished it was still very impressive. I raised my hand, signalling the others to wait.

"We'll lure them out while Impulse and Cleo go in to free Grian" I instructed, "be careful, there'll certainly be a guard". Impulse and Cleo nodded and made their way to a side entrance. I opened my mouth to yell but didn't have to when Ren walked out.

"Hello Xisuma" he laughed, "I've been expecting you". I reeled for a moment, then remembered he likely knew we'd been here the whole time since they could see Pearl's location.

"This ends today Ren" I told him, "either give up now or we fight. I'd rather not have to hurt you".

"Who said you'd get the chance?" Ren grinned with all his teeth. Scar, Tango, Scott, Bdubs and Etho all walked out and took position behind their king. I stared at Bdubs. I had to put my faith in him. I could only pray he hadn't betrayed us.

"Hermit-" I was cut off by a laugh from Etho.

"Oh how I've waited for this moment" he hissed, "we regain our control over you".

"This my server" Fwip shot back, "you will never control us".

"I'm afraid you underestimate us" Etho slithered, "once it starts there is nothing you can do to stop it".

"What?" I felt my heart stop. Etho suddenly had numbers and symbols swirling around him. Something I bitterly recognised, only Etho's were purple instead of green.

"What are you doing?" Fwip demanded.
Etho didn't answer. He was madly typing and moving symbols into place. Suddenly and awful sounding crack echoed. Etho raised his head to the sky.

"Oh its beautiful" he murmured. I slowly looked up, terrified. There was a crack in the sky that shone an iridescent purple. With horror, I realised it was slowly spreading.

"What are you going to do when this server is no more?" Ren said severely, "I want Hermitcraft to control, not this pathetic server".

"You can't just destroy a server!" Pearl thrust her way to the front, "do you not care about anything?" Ren regarded her coldly.

"I did once, but not anymore" he said icily, "those days are in the past".

"You arsehole" Pearl ran forward only to be held back by Gem and Sausage, "I thought we were friends!"

"We were once" Ren told her, "but Scarlet Pearl was more use than you". Pearl threw him the most hate filled look of loathing I had ever seen.

"Xisuma" Fwip nudged me, "we need to stop that crack. I can't lose my server".

"Don't worry, we'll stop it" Xisuma turned to the Hermit's, "it is time, attack!" I went to surge forward but Fwip grabbed me, pulling me back.

"No, we need to focus on keeping the code wall stable" he said sternly, "it's no use fighting if the world becomes corrupted, or worse, the Watcher's get through".

"Okay" I nodded, "I can help". The two of us took deep breaths and let the symbols float around us. I gave once last glance at the rapidly expanding crack in the sky.

We had to stop this.


I sat up with a jolt as I heard rapid footsteps approaching. Joel, who had been guarding me looked up. Impulse and Cleo rounded the corner, weapons raised. My eyes widened in shock. I couldn't speak but I figured my eyes said everything.

They came.

"Don't worry Grian" Impulse huffed, "we'll get you out".

Cleo launched herself at Joel with impressive speed, dodging as the God tried to swat her away. Impulse was at her side, parrying a blow from Joel's sword. I pulled at my chains, angry I couldn't help. The two drove Joel into a corner. The God roared with fury as his blows kept getting deflected. Cleo raised her sword to strike him.

"Hmfp" I didn't want Joel to get killed. It wasn't his fault.

"Cleo don't kill him" Impulse grabbed her shoulder, "it's not him fighting us".

"Right" Cleo lowered her sword and instead blocked another attack. Joel let out another roar before shoving Impulse and Cleo over and running out.
Impulse and Cleo turned to me and began undoing my chains. They removed my gag first.

"Thank you" I said gratefully, "I- I wasn't sure you'd come".

"Of course we did" Impulse smiled, "you're our friend". Cleo stayed oddly silent.

The last chain fell with a clank to the floor. I stood up and stretched my wings as best I could in the cramped space. It felt amazing to be free again.

"Hate to burst your bubble" Cleo told me, "but everyone is fighting and we have to go help".

"Say no more" I nodded as Cleo handed me a sword.

Together the three of us ran out. As I made it to the surface I could hear screams and yells of battle. We ran towards the exit, desperation in our ragged breaths. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I could do something. Finally I could fix this and make things right.

I ran outside and was met with chaos. Swords and axes clashed, fireworks were going off in every direction. Sounds of glass breaking sounded as potions were thrown. I spied Etho, purple energy crackling off him, flinging people away from him.

"ETHO" I yelled. The silvernette turned to me with a manic look in his eyes. Etho approached me slowly, an expression of glee in his eyes.

"Oh hello Grian" he laughed, "come to fight?".

"Yes" I said firmly, "this ends now".

"Fair" Etho walked closer, "but let's take this to an environment that suits better, shall we?"

Before I could ask what he meant Etho had grabbed me and lifted off into the air. When we were roughly twenty meters in the sky he released me. I quickly beat my wings to stay aloft, fixing Etho with a firm stare.

"Goodluck" Etho said with contempt, miming a little bow.

I barely had time to think before I was struck. Not by a sword, but by magic. I quickly realised I'd have to let go of an oath I swore so long ago.

I'd have to use my Watcher powers if I wanted to stand any chance of defeating Etho. The silvernette was bigger and stronger than me, I needed everything I had.

I quickly shielded myself as Etho struck again. It was clear I'd have to be on the offence. I wasn't here to kill, but I'd get killed if I didn't fight back. I flicked my hand, purple energy flew out, narrowly missing Etho's shoulder.

Etho surged forward, taking me by surprise. I swiped my hand at Etho's face, knocking his mask accidentally. His mask fell all the way to the ground, smashing on impact.

Now I had never seen Etho's face before but I hardly had time to react. The Etho I knew would've hid and covered his face. Watcher Etho, however, did not. He didn't even pause before striking again. I felt fatigue flash briefly. I had to stay awake.

"Just die already" came a snarl from Etho.

"No, never" I spat back. Etho's face contorted with rage. I ducked as another blast was shot at me.

I'll never give in.

Not while my friends are in danger.

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