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I always tried my best to remain calm under all circumstances, but it was getting too much. How could you be calm when you were at risk of losing everything you ever loved? Ren had gone insane, Etho was... not himself, Bdubs was Ren's greatest ally and Scott, Tango, and Scar had betrayed us, meaning the Empires server was at risk.

I had always thought fondly of Scott. With our time together on the life series we had become close friends, so it felt like a knife in the back when I saw him fighting for Ren. For the first time in my life I saw Scott as a complete and utter moron. He was an idiot if he believed whatever promises that were made to him by the Watchers.

I saw what they did when they tried to destroy our server last time, and I knew you couldn't trust a word they said.

With Scott's lonely absence, and Xisuma being preoccupied I had found refuge in Pearl. Whilst we hadn't had a good parting in doublelife, we had made amends when we returned to Hermitcraft.

The sunflower-laden woman in question sat next to me at this moment. I watched her with sympathetic eyes. Pearl hadn't been there for the fight for Hermitopia and had been asleep in her house in Scott's empire. She had woken in the morning with Scott standing over her bed wielding an axe, preparing to bring it down on her skull. Pearl had managed to escape unharmed but the betrayal had left her distraught.

Nearly a week had passed since it happened and it had been oddly quiet. No one had seen any of the traitors or any sign of anything odd. I would've liked to think everything had calmed down, but I knew better.

I breathed a sigh, running my fingers through my orange hair. It felt like yesterday I had been one of the people standing beside Ren, protecting him and doing his bidding.

I knew my heart had never truly been with him, but it still felt odd. I was surprised to see that no one was suspicious of those who were previously on Ren's side. Cub and I had also been his 'servants' but neither of us had been question.

I glanced over at Pearl again. Pearl caught my eye this time. Those blue depts looked so tired. Everyone was tired.

"Go to sleep" I whispered. I moved closer and gently pushed Pearl so she would lay down. Pearl nodded in response, too exhausted to argue. Within minutes she started softly snoring.

Speaking of sleep, Xisuma usually forgot to sleep so I wondered how he was doing. I figured Ibshould probably check on him, as I didn't want him to burn himself out, not when he was needed the most.

I checked that Pearl was definitely asleep before standing up. Sausage had given the Hermits one of his larger houses. Since there was less of us we managed to fit into the one house.

It was dark outside so I figured Xisuma would probably be in his room. I pushed the door open before shutting it softly behind me. I could hear the soft snores of the hermits sleeping as I emerged into the corridor.

I didn't need much sleep. I was a zombie so I technically didn't need to sleep at all. I just did to make the night disappear as it was annoying to build with mobs spawning.

I walked down the hall to the room that I was pretty certain was Xisuma's. Xisuma had decided to stay in the room alone so I knew I wouldn't disturb anyone else.

I made it to the door and knocked on it quietly. No response. I turned the handle and stepped inside. I saw Xisuma sitting on the floor. His helmet was off and he had what looked like bright green code falling around him. Xisuma hadn't noticed me yet as he seemed preoccupied with whatever he was doing.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" I saw Xisuma nearly jump out of his skin at the sound of my voice. He looked up in surprise, eyes wide.

"Oh, is it that late already?" He murmured, "I'm nearly done I promise".

"I've heard that before" I laughed sarcastically, "sleep. Now."

"I don't know if I can" Xisuma winced, "with everything going on lately I haven't been able to sleep properly".
I let out a sigh, walking over to him and sitting down beside him. The falling code faded away.

"I know and that's exactly why you need to try" I put my hand on his shoulder gently, "we've all had a rough week so we need to keep our energy up".

"Then why aren't you asleep?" Xisuma tried.

"X you know perfectly well I don't need to sleep" I rolled my eyes, "nice try".

"Fine, I'll try and sleep" Xisuma gave in. I could tell he wanted to stay up but he knew better than to argue with me.

"Good" I responded. The both of us stood up. Xisuma walked over to his bed and lay down, pulling the sheets over his body.

"Goodnight X" I smiled, "sleep well".

"Goodnight Cleo" Xisuma smiled back, "thank you".

I backed out of the room, shutting his door behind me. I treaded quietly down the hallway before entering Pearl and I's room. Pearl was still fast asleep, but her eyes were twitching, indicating she was having a nightmare. I heard a murmur emerge from her. I strained my ears to make out what she was saying.

"No, Scott please" she whimpered, "I thought we were friends".

I went and sat down on the other side of the bed. I placed a hand in Pearl's shoulder gently. Every night had been like this. Pearl had been nervous to sleep and every time she did she had the same reoccurring dream of Scott trying to kill her. I couldn't even begin to imagine the torture she must feel.

"Shhh Pearl" I murmured, "it's okay, you're safe".

Pearl let out sniffle. I saw tears fall across her face. I stared at her in agony. I got under the covers, tucking myself and Pearl in. I couldn't stop the dreams but I could help. I pulled Pearl in close to me, hugging her tight.

"Shhh" I whispered, "it's okay".

I realised Pearl was actually trembling. The trembling began to lessen, as did her cries. Pearl softened into me and her eyes relaxed. I sighed and closed my own eyes.

Ren would pay for this.

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