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Sadness, anger, pain all swirled around my mind. I felt so conflicted and betrayed. I couldn't believe my 'friends' had just exiled me like that. On the word of Ren no less! It was complete and utter madness.

Once again I was chained to floor in a cell, but this time with higher security. Chains looped around my neck, arms, legs and wings. I also had a gag strapped to my face, preventing me from speaking. I had tried to use my Watcher magic to break free but they seemed to be immune to it.

Last time I had Joel as his cell mate, but this time it was Joel who was guarding me. Joel didn't appear to react to anything I tried to communicate to him, not even the slightest quiver. I hadn't been able to speak to Bdubs at all, in fact, I hadn't seen anyone but Joel since I had been taken here. I wasn't sure how long ago that was now. Time seemed like a blur in this prison.

I jumped as I heard paws padding on stone. I knew who it was before the man even rounded the corner. I stared up defiantly as Ren approached me.

"Hello Grian" Ren looked down his nose at me, "I hope you're enjoying your stay". I glared at him with nothing but hatred in my eyes. I couldn't talk back and I hated it.

"It is much easier to speak when I'm not being constantly interrupted by your pathetic attempts at obtaining sympathy" Ren mused, "and I quite enjoy the look on your face when you realise your completely powerless".

"Anyway, I gather you'll be staying here until my boss manages to get a physical form" Ren told me, "and I doubt your friends will come running to free you anytime soon". I blinked at him, struck by sudden sadness. Ren clearly noticed because he knelt down and let out a small smile.

"Don't you worry" he whispered with pure contempt, "they're better off without you anyway". I blinked away the forming tears and glared at him. Ren stood up with a grin.

"Have fun rotting away" he laughed as he walked out the passageway.

Are they better off without me? I wondered. I certainly had felt like a burden. The others had been right when they said it was my fault this was happening. Maybe I should've just given up my freedom so the Watchers would've left Hermitcraft alone. It was my fault.

I glanced around, staring at the stone walls around me. And now I couldn't even do anything to fix it.


As I flew away from Hermitopia I felt a series of emotions flow through me. Bdubs was mildly right in saying it was partly my, Gem and Pearl's fault Ren had gone psycho. But oh well, it was his fault for not being a better king. The Soup Group had just been trying to help.

I saw Animalia come into view. As I got closer I spotted a worried looking Xisuma pacing back and forth by the fountain. I landed in front of him, giving him a concerned look.

"Hello" I greeted him.

"Oh thank goodness" Xisuma sighed, "I thought you had been captured".

"I nearly did get captured" I winced, "Etho followed us into the forest".

"Oh dear, how did you get out of that one?" Xisuma's eyes widened.

"Bdubs did something that made the real Etho come back for a moment" I explained, "Etho is on our side but he's not able to help us, it's too dangerous".

"Poor Etho, I can't imagine how he must feel" Xisuma sighed, "did you find out any of Ren's plans?"

"Bdubs said Ren hasn't been telling him much. But he thinks that he's planning something big very soon" I frowned, "he mentioned that the Watchers have been criticising every move he makes. They keep threatening him with 'the backup plan' whatever that is".

"That is worrying" Xisuma bit his lip.

"They caught Grian" I looked Xisuma in the eye.

"I thought they probably would" Xisuma murmured, "He was alone and defenceless. It would've been a matter of time."

"I think we made a mistake exiling him" I chose my words carefully, "he didn't mean to endanger us".

"I've been thinking about that" Xisuma replied, "and I do agree, but I don't think many of the others do".

"As in Cleo?" the look on Xisuma's face confirmed this, "she's not admin. You are. It's your choice if we forgive him".

"I'll think about it" Xisuma told me, "is there anything else?"

"I don't think so" I shook my head, "I can go meet with Bdubs again in a couple days".

"Yes, do that" Xisuma nodded.

"I'm gonna go and sleep now if that's alright" I said. Xisuma nodded.

I turned away and began to walk to the house I'd been staying in with Gem. I hadn't realised how tired I was until now. I opened the door and crashed face-first onto my bed.

Sleep came for me immediately.


I sat on my throne, tapping my fingers against the armrest.

"I know what you want" I growled, "I won't disappoint you".

"You know what happens if you do. If you fail the backup will suffice".

"What even is the backup plan?" I rolled my eyes.

"Don't ask questions you don't need to know. Just do what you're told".

"Fine, you're no fun anyway" I sighed.

"Have you been keeping an eye on Bdoubleo?"

"Yes, but I don't see why I need to" I laughed, "he appointed me king. He's the last person who'd betray me". I hope.

"I'd still be careful. Trust no one but yourself".

"I know I know" I hissed, "I'll speak to him".

"Bdoubleo!" I called. I heard footsteps make their way up the stairs. A moment later Bdubs appeared. He came closer and bowed.

"Yes my liege?" Bdubs said.

"No need for that Bdubs" I waved my hand, "how are you?". A look of surprise passed over Bdub's face.

"Oh- um I'm good?" Bdubs stammered.

"You trust me right Bdubs?" I narrowed my eyes, "you wouldn't betray me".

"Oh no of course not" Bdubs said quickly.

"Excellent, I thought so" I smiled, sitting back in my throne's seat, "you may go". Bdubs bowed, looking confused before turning and walking out of the room.

I know I can trust Bdubs, I thought, he's been my closest ally since the start.

But that doubt was still there.

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