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I flipped the blade over in my hands, a grim smile on my face. The sword was still tainted with blood from the battle about a week ago.

Tainted with the blood of cowards, traitors, and those who dared to defy me. Oh revenge was bitterly sweet. The scent of hot blood being spilt was oh so beautiful. Its sweet scent made my mouth water with temptation.

I tightened his grip on the blade, cutting into my hand and leaving a thin cut on my hand. Blood dripped out slowlt and I let out a low chuckle. Maybe I had gone mad, but who was I to care? I have everything I ever wanted. Power.

I and a sudden thought. What would Martyn think of me? My greatest friend and ally during my time as the red king in third life. He'd agree with me, surely? I shook my head. That was the past, what Martyn thought didn't matter. He wasn't in this world.

I pricked my ears as I heard a low grunt. I smiled and turned around, my eyes resting on the god that sat chained to the floor. His normal green eyes were an eerie iridescent purple. Joel stared back, unable to do anything.

"Don't you worry" I murmured, "you'll get to go out soon, and we can put your power to use".

"Don't you dare" Joel's voice said hoarsely.

"Be quiet" I snapped and Joel immediately shut his mouth, "servants who talk annoy me".

I stared into his eyes, feeling nothinf but contempt. So beautiful, so... beaten. Oh the joy I felt having power over a god. I walked forward to crouch in front of Joel.

"You listen to me now" I whispered, "whether you want to or not".


I felt hollow. Why had I snapped at Bdubs? I didn't understand myself, or why I did what I did. Bdub's words rang in my ears.

"What did they do to you? You're not you".

I slowly exhaled, staring at the ground, I was normal, right? I can't be that different to normal, so why did Bdubs feel I was being cold? If I was being honest, I was... tired. I felt like going to sleep and never waking up. It would be so peaceful. I glanced behind at Bdubs, who's face was shadowed but there was the soft glint of tears on his face. How I longed to reach out and hug him, tell him I was sorry. But some force stopped me, and instead I turned and kept walking. I saw the warm glow of lights peeking out from the trees, signalling that we were nearing sanctuary.

"Be extra quiet" I whispered to Bdubs, "we don't want them to hear us". I heard Bdubs mutter a response that sounded like 'as if you care'. I flinched, like I'd been stung.

I carefully made my way to the edge of the forest so I could peer out. It was nearing nighttime so we had to be careful not to attract any mobs. I looked around, checking no one was around. They must all be inside.

"Bdubs we'll have to use an invisibility potion if we want to be able to find out anything", I said softly, turning to the moss covered man. Bdubs merely nodded in response.

"Are you still not over your little tantrum?" I hissed, "we have work to do so get over yourself". I gasped and clutched his mask, my own words frightening me. I looked down at Bdubs and saw with agony that his eyes filled with sadness.

"I know it's not really you saying that" Bdubs murmured, "but it still hurts". I opened my mouth and closed it.

"Just pass me the potion Etho" Bdubs sighed. I obeyed, passing him the silvery liquid. I turned away and briefly pulled down my mask. I gulped the bitter potion down before putting my mask back on.

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