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"Fwip I'm so sorry" I whispered, "we never should have come here".

"It's not your fault" Fwip responded, "there's no way either of us could have predicted this".

I sighed and glanced out the window. The Hermit's and Emperor's that remained had taken refuge in Sanctuary. Whilst we outnumbered Ren and his team, we lacked the strength. It was best to retreat and regather until we figured out what to do. 

I felt so guilty. I had put Fwip's server at risk. I should never have allowed Grian to take us through the rift. It was a stupid and risky idea considering we had no idea what was on the other side.

I glanced at Fwip. But now that I had met them... I couldn't imagine forgetting them. Everyone was so nice.
Which is why I needed to figure out how to fix this. I had to make things right.

I was certain that the Watcher's had done something to Ren, there was no way he would do something like this. Or at least I hoped this was the case. The words Grian had spoken to me earlier entered my mind. I shook my head. I knew Ren, and I knew this wasn't him.

"Hey, uh Xisuma?" Fwip sounded worried, "we have an issue, look at your communicator". I obeyed at looked at it.

Administrator Etho set server game mode hardcore

"Admin? How on earth does he have access to commands?" My eyes widened in shock, "he can't be admin unless one of us gives it to him"

"Exactly" Fwip replied, "oh well, I'll just change it back". Fwip shut his eyes and let the falling code surround him.

I watched him with apprehension. Fwip opened his eyes and started typing into his communicator. The goblin frowned.

"It's saying 'invalid command syntax'" he said, "it won't let me fix the game mode".

"So that means..?" I didn't even want to finish the sentence. Fwip turned and looked me in the eye.

"We are indeed on hardcore mode" he said quietly, "we need to tread carefully".

"I'll send a message into chat" I replied firmly, "no one is to do anything risky". Fwip nodded.

"I'll keep trying to fix it but I suspect it will be to no avail" Fwip narrowed his eyes, "these Watchers you speak of have hacked the server's system, meaning they can do anything they like and we can't stop them".

"We'll fix this" I promised. Fwip nodded again, before turning back to the falling code. I turned to my own communicator and began typing a message.

<Xisuma> The Watchers have hacked the server and disabled respawn. Please be careful and don't do anything risky until we can figure out how to fix it

<Grian> Oh no

<ShubbleYT> Ill be careful

<MythicalSausage> Oh dear...

My communicator continued to ping with notifications and various Emperors and Hermits discussed worriedly about the situation. Earlier he'd sent Scar, Bdubs and Tango messages in hopes he could talk sense into them but received no reply. He knew Fwip had done the same to Scott and Joel. Xisuma had no clue what had become of Joel. Grian had said they had taken him and there had been no death messages.

Xisuma sighed. Joel was a god. If he couldn't beat them, how could they? It'd take the strength of another Watcher to bring them down. Xisuma could code and protect the server from glitches, but he was no fighter. Few of the Hermits and Emperors were specialised in that field. They had to tread carefully. Xisuma looked out the window again. He couldn't bear the thought of losing anyone.
Which is why he'd fix this.

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