The Abuse

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Selena's POV:

" Stop ! Please. Please stop! " I begged as my father drew the silver blade closer to me.

Yes, I am Selena. The "daughter" of James, "my father". Ever since he started abusing me, I had disregarded him as my father. I am currently in our house's basement which is made into my torture chamber for my father to release his anger and stress on me. Oh ya, now I'm stuck ,tied up to a chair while my sicko father does anything he likes on me. Only when I'm close to dying of blood loss or went unconscious then I'm 'freed'. 

"Argh... ! " A sharp burning pain seared through my legs .

"Shut up you slut! A word from you and you will wish you are never born!" James threatened me and dug the sliver blade deeper into my tigh, adding more force every time he trusted the blade deeper into my flesh.I whimpered softly, biting down on my bottom lip, trying to prevent sounds from escaping but failed.

"Shut the fuck up you whore! Disgraceful bastard. So weak. How are you even my daughter?" Tears streamed down my face as he continues to play with his toy, enjoying the scene.

As I was soon reaching darkness, he took out the blade and stabbed it into my stomach! Damn, it was twice as worse than before. Finally,I could no longer take it and succumbed into the darkness. Why can't I just be like the other teens? Why can't I just live my own life? Tears rolled down from my cheeks as I blacked out.


I woke up with a torturing headache. I squint my eyes as I got used to the light shining from the hole at the top of the basement. 

"Oh dear! I need to make him breakfast by 6! " I look down at my watch as I sprinted upstairs for my dear life . Oh my, it is 5 minutes to 6!

Pancakes should be alright right? Hope it is ok... I scanned through the refrigerator and spotted the remaining pancake batter in the deep end of the fridge. I fished it up, took the pancake maker out, added some butter and prepared 2 pancakes for him. Faster faster.... why is it taking so long to cook? 2 minutes left. Urgh... faster please. At that moment, the pancakes were done. I grabbed the plate from the counter and threw the pancakes on it before adding butter and maple syrup on it while grabbing a cup of coffee from the coffee maker. 

I bolted to the dining area silently praying that I was on time guessed it, I arrived seeing him sitting at the dining table with his legs up high. Such table manners. "Nice". I quickly and quietly place both cup and plate on the table and turned around, preparing to run as I had exceeded by 2 minutes and he never let me go.

"Stay there! "I winced slightly upon his words.

"What crap is this your feeding me and your late by 8 minutes. "He said ever so dangerously low.
I am not feeding him crap and I am not late by 8 minutes but only 2! I can feel the anger rising in me and told him off. 

"NUMBER ONE, I AM NOT FEEDING YOU CRAP .IF I WANT TO,I WOULD NOT EVEN FEED YOU. NUMBER TWO, I AM ONLY LATE BY 2 MINUTES NOT 8! I CAN'T FREAKING STAND YOU! YOU ARE THE WORSE THING IN MY LIFE! " Oops... wrong move. It only earned me a slap from him. I think I heard my jaw dislocated at that same time but I was used to it so I just cracked my jaw back to its original place but it still hurts like a bitch. Ever felt being rammed by a kangaroo, well, its like being punched by one.

"How dare you talk to your father like this,  you whore! " I gave up. I couldn't stand him anymore. I shot at him like a raging bull.

" Firstly, I am not a whore! Secondly, don't you ever say that you are my father because you are NEVER one in my eyes. Thirdly, don't you dare call me a slut, bastard, or whore! I didn't even lose my virginity yet! I am still a virgin, for your information! " Wow... I'm doomed. 

"Chamber now." The sound of his voice feared me and I reluctantly dragged my feet downstairs.
"Every one second you waste, you will get an extra beating. And you have already earned 30 for disrespecting me. 1,2,3 .."

Oh dear, his serious this time. Got to run! As though I ran a marathon,I was panting heavily when I reached. 

"35 seconds. Not bad. But Still bad. " His laughter filled the whole chamber as he leaned again the cupboard of weapons. 

He grabbed my hands and secured them with a hand cuff and did the same with my legs. Then he stripped me bare and threw me onto the table top. He walked slowly to the cupboard and reached for the top shelve. Not that shelve. Someone save me! 

He rummaged through and his eyes lit up upon finding his ideal toy for me. He took it out and waved it at my face. It is a horse whip.Not a normal one, but a silver horse whip! It is secured with metal with thick locks of silver hanging loosely and in addition, at the end of each lock of silver is attached with silver spikes . If looks can kill, I think I would die at that instance once he is done playing with it. 

"It wouldn't hurt. I guess. But it will hurt for whores like you, my dear. "This just feels like I'm in one of Chucky's scenes .


How was it? Hope it is good. I will try to update ASAP.
Like,comment,follow. Anything please. I want to see if there is anything I can improve on.
Stay time for the next chapter. ;) Love you guys.

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