Life and death

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Selena's POV:



"I'm tired..." My vision turns distorted as my head feels lighter.My eyes slowly dropped as my conscious drifted away. Before I surrendered to the darkness , I heard Carter screaming my name as my body was being shaken with force but I was too tired to care about it.

Carter's POV:

"Carter?" I heard my mate called out to me softly as my brought her to the pack doctor. I hummed in acknowledgement while focusing infront. As I look at her figure, her eyes were giving way as her hand dropped to her side swaying freely.

"Selena? " I waited but she gave no response. Shit. Selena! What the fuck!? Damn it. Hang in there Selena! I shook her body to wake her but only resulted more blood to flow out from her abdomen . When did she hurt herself?

"Doc, help her. Now! You better save her or else your head will go rolling on the floor. You understand?" I growled at Frac,the pack doctor. He hurriedly nodded his head and scampered away with my mate in his arms ,leaving me standing outside waiting.

2 hours later...

Frac walked out dejectedly as he let out a deep sigh. "Alpha carter, I am sad to ..." My mind went blank as my eyes turned black with anger and sadness. Shit. What am I going to do now? Apparently,Frac said that she had fallen into coma due to the stress and injuries she had been inflicted with. I walked I to see my mate on the bed with thick rolls of bandages wrapped around all parts of her body with blood still flowing out as her wolf was also too weak to help her heal quickly and she was practically like a human now. Both lifeless and weak.

"She will be alright. Our mate is strong. " Ranger whimpered,seeing our mate like this.

" I know. I just want her to wake up soon. I can't take it. I would rather be the one lying there instead of seeing her in that position. By the way, is it possible for you to connect with her wolf to ask what had happened to our mate?"

"I've tried but she was just too weak to speak to me. I can feel her presence but it is slowly fading away unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless we mark her. "

"She would be so pissed to wake up seeing that I've claimed her without permission."

"Do you want to see her in that state or would you rather see her alive?"


I leaned down and kissed a trail down her neck. When I reached her sweet spot, I kissed it a few times before my canines extended and bit down into her shoulders. Sweet, her blood tastes as sweet as honey. I licked my mark lightly,preventing the blood from escaping her body. It is a shape of a wolf with the alphabet S and C on the wolf body. Just then, I felt her stir slightly as her eyes fluttered open,adjusting to the bright light.

I broke down seeing her finally awake. Ranger howled in joy as tears of joy flowed down my face. Shit, the big bad Alpha is crying. It's worth it, as long my love is awake.













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Oh dear, Carter marked Selena without permission. How will she react?

Stay tune to find out more... ;)

Good day!

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