Not Good At All

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A little sexual content in it's up to you if you wanna read it.

Selena's POV:

I woke up feeling sore in my below region as me and Claire purred in delight and joy knowing we had fully mated with Carter and Ranger. As I tried to stand up to use the bathroom, Carter's arms held and pulled me closer to his chest,hugging me tighter as he snuggled closer to me,sniffing my neck where his mark is resting on.

I turned around to face him ,kissing his lightly on his cheek.I made a trace of kisses down his face to his hard rock 8-packs. Ya,damn! He has freaking 8-packs! How did I land with this Sexy and Hot Greek God? I'm sooo lucky. As I reached his lower region,I kissed his driver softly and licked a trail down to the tip of his driver. He moaned loudly and driver hardened and pre-cum appeared. I took the tip of his driver into my mouth and sucked hard,swallowing the cum. Slightly salty but ...its still ok,I guess? He let out a louder groaned as he pushed his hips closer to my face,pushing his driver deeper into my mouth.

"Oh my goodness! Selena! More,don't stop." He grunted as he pushed in deeper into my mouth,thrusting in and out hard while I pumped the remaining length that I could not take in my mouth. I roamed my tongue around his driver and sucked deeply as I pumped his driver fast and hard.

"I going to release! Harder! Faster! Selena!" He screamed my name as he reaches his peak. He gave a deep thrust in and finally let go into my mouth. I sucked greedily as his cum burst in my mouth,taking in every single drop as it slid down my throat.

"That's how I would like to start my day. Morning love." He beamed as he pulled me up to face him.

"Morning Carter. " I blushed as I pulled the covers higher to cover my body. He grabbed my hand and pulled the covers down,revealing my naked body as he look with lust and love. He licked his lips and grinned playfully.

"I've seen all already.  No use hiding.  By the way, have I told you that you are the prettiest? Cuz, you are. My love. "He gave me a peck on my cheek before carrying us to the bathroom to wash up.

Carter's POV:

As I lead her downstairs for breakfast, David, Cade and their mates,  Daisy and Cloe were already seated down at the dining table wolfing down their breakfast.

Once Selena saw them,her eyes grew wide with fear and hid behind my back,tugging my shorts. Well... I'm shirtless so she could only tug my shorts . I wrapped my arms around her petite waist and carried her bridal style to meet them. She immediately buried her head into my body as she took in my scent to calm her tits down.

"Guys,this is my mate,your Luna,Selena. Selena,these are David and Cade and their mate's, Daisy and Cloe. " I let her down to meet them as I walked away to get us something foe us to eat.

When I came back,she was shivering with fear as they tried to approach her to talk to her. "Selena, they won't hurts you. We're a family. You're their Luna. " She looked up to me and smiled at them, waving awkwardly. I place our plates on the table before pulling her onto my lap. She shifted around trying to feel comfortable but unknowingly causing me to have a boner.

"Please stop moving around and start eating or I would not be able to control myself from eating you up instead." I whispered seductively into her ears causing her to blush deeply and stop fidgeting.

When I am done eating,I only saw her finished eating one of the hotdogs I got for her. I frowned at the sight and held her closer. "Babe, why aren't you eating?"
"I'm too full to eat anything else." I was shocked beyond words. How can She feel full just by eating a hotdog?

"Babe,what do you normally get for breakfast? "

"Water....just a cup of plain water..."

"This isn't good,please eat more."

"I can't Carter, I couldn't. I'm just too full ." She whined.

This is a can she not eat anymore? I need to find Frac to see if he could help .

"For my sake, just one ore bite? " I pleaded. She nodded slightly before cutting a very small piece of egg and ate it. As soon as she swallowed the egg,she rushed out of my arms and ran to the toilet,puking everything out.

This is really not good. I held her hair up as I patted her back lightly,hoping she is ok . I washed her up and took her to our room, tucking her into bed.

"Hello,I need you to come here tomorrow to check on Selena.... ya... great. Thanks,bye." I hung up on Frac as I went to my office to finish my paperwork fast so I can spend more time with Selena.
Love it? I hope so...seeya in the next chappie.

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