Not again...

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This chappie contains some sexual contents so...if your uncomfortable with it,I hope you skip the part.

Carter's POV:

"Alpha,the rogues are in the fourth cell. " One of the guard which I think his name is Kayle ,reported to me when I reached the cells.I nodded and stepped inside to see three rogues leaning against the walls smirking.

"Why did you trespass into my land?"I directed to none of them,only hoping that they would quickly state their business and die so I can find my mate. Normally,most rogues would bow down and submit but they did none of it and only continued to grin like psychos.

"What do you want!?" My wolf was so pissed that they dare disrespect me and wanted to take control.

One of them laughed evilly before chuckling," Listen closely." With a snap of his finger, a piercing scream resounded in the whole packhouse with chaos following after it. That sounds familiar for some reason but I just couldn't seem to find out...

"What on earth happened?!" I snarled at the arrogant asshole who is looking so proud and happy of what had happened. He gave no reply and only stood up to walk to his mate.! Damn those assholes! Why didn't I think of that? Fuck my intelligence.

"Where did he/she take her to?!" I growled dangerously low at them but they only shrugged and relaxed.

"I asked you a question!Answer me! Now!" I was pissed beyond words and my mind now if only focused on finding my mate.

"Bring them to the deeper dungeons. Make sure they do not escape. Kill them straight away if they try attacking." I ordered my guards to take care of them as I dashed upstairs ,hoping that Selena is still here and they were only joking. But sadly,no. She is gone.

Selena's POV:

"Girls,I'm gonna take my phone from my room first,can ya wait for me,for a short while?" I asked Daisy and Cloe.

Yup. We have become the best of friends after interacting and playing with each other. I found out that we have many similarities like the love for korean drama and horror movies,jeans and checkered shirt and the enjoyment of pranking others. Best budds forever!

We have decided to play a prank on Carter. They came up with this genious plan of throwing my phone in the dark forest and then,Cloe would mind-link Carter saying that I've been kidnapped by the jerkface again(aka Alpha Blake). When he trances my phone to 'save' me,We will follow him there secretly,hide behind the trees before jumping out suddenly scaring his...then throw shiny pink glittery sprinkles on him! Haha....Amazing right?! Well...kinda childish but still cool.

As I was about to exit my room with my phone,my windows suddenly banged open and a musclar dark figure pulled me to him before he could inject some sort of silvery liquid into my neck,I let out my loudest shriek before I passed out cold .

When I woke up,I found myself chained on the bed. All four limbs handcuffed and legcuffed to the side of the bed frames.Fuck! I'm also naked! I squirmed around trying to break out of the cuffs but the silver coating around the cuffs only burns my skin.

"I see,your finally awake,toy.' Jerkface smirked as he walked in ,advancing closer to me as he sat down beside the bed making it dip.

"Comfy isn't it? Well,its going to get uncomfortable sooner than expected." He chuckled deeply and wickedly.As I was still wondering what he was going to do,he went to a nearby so called experimental table and place a video camera there,facing at my direction. he pressed the record button before he whistled for some one to come in.

James...aka my son of a bitch father.

He came in with a vegetable/fruit basket? Jerface nodded at him as he walked to me and sat between my spread legs.

"Jam..'Father',what are you doing?" I ask worriedly. I didn't know my prank would become real but also twice as bad. Karma is really real.

'Shut up bitch. You may start james." Jerkface clapped his hands 'happily' as he sat on the table watching us.What the hell?

"Choose. Eggplant,carrot or banana?"James asks. Huh? Why is he asking me to choose a vegetable or fruit? I furrowed my brows as I stared at him like he is a lunatic.

"Choose!"He bellowed.

"Fine! Dun scream at me! Your the last person who is suppose to scream at me.First you abuse me. Second you sold me! Then what next? Kill me!?" I screamed at him,letting my anger out. He did not reply but only gave me a death glare. I rolled my eyes,"eggplant?" Is he going to make me a salad? Bring so many fruits and vegetables for what? Or is he going to open a shop?

He remained motionless has he picked up the egg plant and started to wack me with it.Is he crazy? That does not even hurt. I'm a werewolf,it takes more than just an eggplant to kill me. He really is a lunatic.

As he stops, I felt something plunge into my vagina and let me tell you,it hurts like a bitch!I open my eyes to see him pushing the bloody eggplant into my opening!Fuck him! Its like tearing every single tissue in my body. I tried kicking him away and squezzing hard to get that shit of of me but my legs wouldn't buldge and he thrusted the eggplant in and out hard and fast. What does he think I am? A fruit/vegetable juicer? Hell no mister. He soon got tired and let go for a while but leaving the eggplant in my vag. I tried wiggling to get it out only to have it pushed hard and deeper into me.The pain was like shit and I screamed loudly as tears flowed down from my cheeks,soaking the mattress. After a few minutes rest,James climbed back up onto the bed smiling evillyas he holds another eggplant. My eyes grew wider,almost popping out of its socket. Without further adue,he pushes it into my already streched opening hard. I think he might had teared something or broke something as I see blood running down my legs,soaking the mattress bright red. James ignored it and continued round 2 with is double the pain than before.

After what seems like eternity,he finally stopped and I blacked out from the intense burning and pain,finally in peace.

















How is it? I hope its not too muchr-rated. Please continue to support! Love you guys!


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