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Little sexual content here!  Skip if you dun wanna read.

Carter's POV:

She's pregnant, I'm gonna be a father. We will have to get a room redecorated for our pup,milk supplies,diapers, cute baby clothes,crib... Oh ya, health supplements for Selena and a baby scan to be done.

"Frac, we will be down in a while. " I gave him a call as I rubbed her small baby bump .

"Wake up my dear, " I cooed as I place kisses on her face.

"Go away.... I wanna sweep... *yawn*" She groans and pushes me away lazily. "I'm making chocolate pancakes, "I whistle, " You sure you don't want any ?" "I waant... ok... I'm up,happy?" Haha, chocolate pancakes, new secret weapon to wake her up.

We took a shower and dressed casually before having a quick make out session. "Ok love, let's go. " She pouted and let's me drag her downstairs to find Frac. "Why are we here? Aren't we having chocolate pancakes? " She looks at me weirdly with a tinge of disappointment. "We are getting our pup a check up and then I will make chocolate pancakes for you ok? " She nodded and smiles warmly.

"I sad to tell you that you don't have a pup,it's just a mistake, " Selena broke down crying upon Frac 's respond as he look at the screen,"but you have two!Twins I must say. Congratulations Alpha and Luna. " Selena stops crying for a second before breaking down crying again ?

"Please continue to feed her her supplements I gave her last time and make sure she eats more. Since she is having twins in her,she has to eat more or her body will shut down as the pups will be talking too much of her energy . Oh ya, by the way, congratulations again,you are having a girl and a boy! Come back for another scan every 6 weeks from now. Thank you Alpha. " I smile as I lead a crying Selena out of his room.

"Hush...don't cry,we're having twins,cheer up love." I cooed as I wiped her tears away with my thumb, embracing her as I play with her hair." I'm scared Carter, what if I'm not good enough? What if they hate me? What if... what if...." Oh, so she's afraid she's not good enough. How can she think like that? She is sweet and caring,she will be the best mother on earth!" Look here love,you will be the best mother on earth. If you have any worries,you can count on me to help you through the whole pregnancy journey. I will be there to help you. Well... let's get chocolate pancakes! " I tried screaming like a little girl hoping to cheer her up but failed miserably. Instead of sounding like an excited little girl,I sound like a mental patient that escaped from woodbridge. But it's worth it. At least Selena is laughing her head off at my actions,tears threatening to spill. "Let's.....go!" I picked her up and dashed downstairs to the kitchen for chocolate pancakes.

'Pack meeting at 12 sharp , at the assembly hall." I mind link the whole pack as I continue making chocolate pancakes for my mate.

After breakfast, we gathered in the hall as I pulled Selena to my side,hand snaked around her waist.

Selena's POV:

I can feel my heart thumping as we stand on the stage as the pack members gather below our feet,including David,Daisy,Cade and Claire.

"Thank you for gathering here today. I have a announcement to announce...My mate is pregnant with twins! A boy and a girl! " Carter's voice boomed over the whole hall as he announces the sweet surprise. The whole hall roared into life as everyone cheered and clapped in joy.

"Way to go Alpha Carter and Luna Selena! " "Long live the Alpha family!" "I can't wait to see the pups!" "Congratulations! " Some replied excitedly while some bitches scowled as they gossiped among themselves.

"I don't think she is our Luna. "" I know right? She looks like a slut.""She might have slept with all the guys here."" Eh...did you guys hear that she was once abused by her father? Maybe he even raped her and the pups she is carrying may be his.""Really?""Oh dear, Carter will be so so disappointed. When he knows that it is true,he might just reject her and make me the next Luna then we will have pups of our own. I don't think she's any better than a slut or whore, don't you agree girls?""Ya, we think so too,she's a bitch."

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