Lazy Day

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Selena's POV:

I can't believe this, Carter just proposed to me! Never in my life would I expect him to ask me to marry him. Of course I have to say yes. I love him so much and I will willing kill to get him. Things are just going fine. First,I found that Carter is my mate. Second, I am carrying our pups. Third, he proposed to me. Lastly , we love each other.

Our wedding will be held after the birth of our pups in our backyard as it is big enough for everyone to gather there. We will also be having a baby shower a week before our pups roar into life. Well,it the the sixth checkup tomorrow and were couldn't wait to see them looking more formed into shape.

Stepping into the shower, I stripped off my dress and wipe the makeup off my face before jumping into the bathtub with bubbling bubbles!I live bubble baths even though they make me wrinkly but bubbles flying around me is the best thing ever.After 30 minutes of goofing in the tub, I stepped out and dried myself from top to toe, blow my hair dry,put on my bra and panties, brush my teeth,applied some body lotion... what? Every girl has to do what they need to do in life including going through puberty,duh. But since I'm a werewolf, I need not care about having strawberry jams for a week every month and stocking up shelves with pads or tampons. So troublesome don't y'all think?

I got out of the bathroom and slipped in into bed next to Carter as I snuggle close to his,wanting his body warmth. He turns around and pulls me closer into his arms with his hand wrapped protectively around my bulging stomach. Since werewolf pups grow fast, the bump shows more visibly and grows bigger every second. Not to say it really tires me out. Imagine carrying werewolf twins in you and stressing over some idiots that are out for your life,it is so not easy ok. 

"Good night sweetheart. "

"Good night sexy. Sweet dreams. "

"Well you can see that they are forming just well and would be popping out soon enough like in a month time so for now,just have plenty of rest,no stress,no physical training, no lifting heavy weights and no, I mean no, having sex. It's for the pups safety. We wouldn't want them to come out premature right?" Carter's mood dropped slightly when Frac said the no having sex part but nodded obediently knowing that it is for our pups sake.

"You can go now,everything is find. Just remember my words." He said the last part cheekily knowing that Carter would just forget about it one of the days. "Thanks Frac.  But I think you will need to remind him more. I don't think it got into the thick skull of his,right?" I nudged Carter playfully as I fooled with Frac, making Carter blush with embarrassment. Lol.

"Yes and bye." Carter rolled his eyes ,pulling me out if Frac's room into the game room.

"We gonna play it what?" I ask curiously.

"Nah, we're going to laze around all day watching movies and snacking on chips. Sounds good?"

"Absolutely! What are were watching and can I go get the chips?"

"We are watching Annabelle and no. You are not going to get chips. I will get them for you,you just stay here and grab some pillows to make yourself comfortable as you wait. "

"Ok... But I want lots and lots of chips! "

"Yes my love."

Damn,how I love this life. I laid on the sofa as I waited for Carter to come back.
Sorry ,I know this chapter practically has no meaning but my brain is kinda burnt and needs to go through serious repair.  Grammar and vocabulary here might suck so please tell me where my English fails at. Thanks.


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