The Letter

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Carter's POV:

"I suspect something is wrong with your mommy, don't you guys think so? She was acting so weirdly like she is hiding something from me." I sigh deeply as I stared into their big round eyes which only stared back at me blankly, trying to figure out what their father is saying. They are just too cute to be true. I just love my genes. 

As I was lost in la la land, Adrain started crying and squirming in my arms while Candice just giggled at the sight of Adrian crying. To think that I even had the thought of my little girl to be the crying one while my little boy to be the strong and brave one. Seems like I'm wrong at that part but who can say about what will happen in the future. I just hate my genes sometimes, I don't even believe that I was so whiny when I was that small.

Placing Candice back down into her crib, I place Adrian down on the table used for changing as I stared down on him. What is wrong with him? Is he hungry? " little darling Adrian..can you tell me what you want? Cuz I really have no idea what u want. Are you hungry or do you want anything?"

Adrian stopped crying for a moment and stared at me curiously with tear-filled eyes like he was trying to understand what I just said. He sniffed a little before breaking down again. OMG....why?? " Please Adrian...what do you want?" How I wish Selena is here right now, I really need her help. By the way, its been half an hour already, I wonder what she had been doing for so long...

Selena's POV:

Should I do, that is being too irresponsible but...I have to do this for my pups', Cater's and the pack's safety. I have to...but who will look after my pups? Wait, they still have Carter and I'm sure he can do a good job bringing them up right? But whatever, I'm still going to do this.

' you come to our kids' room for a sec? Adrian keeps crying and I am seriously lost. I have no freaking idea what I should do...please?' 

"OMG!" I let out a shriek when Carter suddenly mind linked me without warning as I dropped the note on the ground. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that he wasn't really with me and he did not find out that I saw the note he kept in his desk's drawer. Oh, you ask how I knew it was there? Well, I used my super brain power and sensed it to be there! There you go! Just kiddinnnng. Obviously I did not do that. Well,remember, I am a werewolf and a werewolf has strong sense of smell,so I just sniffed for something which reeks of dead corpse and blood,thus leading me to the 'treasure'. 

'I'll be right there in a minute. By the way, check if Adrian had pooped cuz he shouldn't be hungry as I fed him 3 hours ago,along with Candice.'

'Okay. Thanks babe. But can you still come down...pweaseee? In case Adrain did not crap?'

'Ok. Just check on him first. Love ya!'

'Love ya too Lena!'

I immediately folded back the noted and placed it back into his drawer. Taking a last look at Carter's table, I turned around and walked away to find him with a firm stand in my mind. No one is going to stop me. Not even Carter himself.

The letter kept resurfacing in my mind no matter how far I pushed it away. I hate you jerkface.

'Hi my best play toy son of a bitch mate! 

Seems like you got my letter. Nice way of

sending a letter ryte? Duh, cuz I'm awesome.

Btw, you have a week to surrender MY TOY up

or not only your pack will come crashing down,

but your pups will also die in my hands. Shocking?

Nah..I've been keeping tabs on you guys. Twins,

sounds nice. Twice the fun and twice the torture

dun ya think so? So..think carefully. Is it ur pups or

Selena. Tik-tok tik-tok, waste no time big boy.

P.S. I'll be waiting with my pack at the border,

at the abandoned factory . Bring her there before

sunset or prepare for war. Well...bring her to me earlier

if possible. I have unfinished games with her. She's a nice

fuck tbh. Help me say hello to her . Thanks no thanks. '

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