Thank You

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Selena 2 months and 3 and a half weeks prego...

Selena's POV:

"Luna, please sit still and stop moving around."

"I can't help it. I'm far too bored to not do anything but just sitting in this dumb room. All I can do is stare at that plain old wall or the warriors training downstairs. I've been trapped in here so long already. Do you know how it feels to be trapped in a room for a long period of time? l have been stuck for almost 2 hours already and I'm bored.. At least let me walk around for a while,please?"

"I'm sorry Luna but you have to go back. Its dangerous for you to walk around without someone with you,"

"You can be with me right?"

"I'm sorry Luna but I can't. I have my duties to attend to. Please go back into your room, it will be safer for you in there. "

"'re saying that I'm clumsy? *sobs* I...I can take care of myself! I'm not clumsy or stupid."

Why can't she just let me go and walk? I'm too bored staying in that stupid, dumb and boring room.

"Luna,please get up and please stop crying. "

Stupid, stupid, stupid. Can't she just go away. I don't want to go back to that room and that's final. No one is making me walk back into that room. Why am I crying? I'm supposed to be angry, not emotional. Wait...I'm prego...damn mood swings. Once I'm done with all this shit, I going to give mood swings a bang on its head...if it even has one.


"No. Please,just go away."

"Sigh...yes Luna. But be careful."

She steps away slowly as she left me sobbing non-stop at the top of the stairs. Great! She's gone now! Woohoo! My planned worked! Hahahaha...thank you dramatic me. I couldn't help but do a victory dance internally. Just as I'm trying to find my footing down the first step, oops. Shiiiit..."Lena! What are you doing?..." protective daddy is out on the loose...again.

Carter's POV:

*knock knock*

"Come in."

"Yes, Alpha."

"What do you want?" I asked curiously as Bella stood in front of me awkwardly.


"What about my mate?"

"She...she doesn't want to go back into her room ."

"She's out? Wow...I locked her in with 4 heavy duty locks and she managed to escape? Not bad...wait, then where is she now?"

"She's whimpering at the top of the stairs."




"Sorry but Luna said that she did not want anyone to be with her."

"Urgh...fine. I'll find her now. Thank you for informing me."

"Your welcome, Alpha."

Bella bowed slightly before rushing off to attend to the pups. Sigh...time to tame my love. Taking off to the stairs, I spotted Lena trying to get her footing on the step below her but she is doing it too clumsily and dangerously.

"Lena! What are you doing? You-" The hell? When she spotted me,her eyes literally popped out with oh shit and oops . She immediately tried to turn around but missed a footing. Shit! I raced up just on time to catch her before she went tumbling down the stairs like a sack of potatoes (no offence but she looks like a cute little ballooned up sack carrying 2 potatoes with are going to burst her anytime soon) . Gotcha!

"You alright my love?"

"Ya...thanks. Argh...!"

"Oh my god, are you ok?" I stared worriedly at her as her face contorted with pain as beads of sweats started to form on her forehead.

" hurts Carter...urgh! me...urgh!"

"Shit. Are you in labor? " I look down to see a pool forming at her feet. Alright,calm down Carter...calm down...damn,I can't calm down. Never mind.

"Frac! Frac! Come here now!" I ordered out loudly not giving a shit about the commotion I'm causing .Within seconds, Frac and his team came flying up and place Selena on a stretcher which I think was a little too rough as she let out a cry of pain as her body trembles ever so fiercely.

Sorry but I'm skipping the whole giving birth section cuz I have no idea how to write it.

"What do you want to name these 2 treasures?"

" Let's name Adrian for the boy and Cadice for the girl."

"That's lovely. Thank you my love,for giving me the best things I can ever asked for ."

" No problem but can you take care of them for me now? I'm tired."

"Yes my love. Go and sleep . I'll help take care of these 2 munchkins for ya. Thank you again ."

Well...short I know but ran put of ideas suddenly.


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