Horny Dogs

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Selena's POV:

3 days have passed.

The days passed slowly as the beatings continued non-stop. I look down to see my freshest wound allowing blood flow out like a leaking tap . Most of my injuries managed to close up,leaving scars behind but those inflicted with silver and wolfsbane had yet closed up and some were infected.

As I closed my eyes,submitting to the relaxing darkness to swallow me,a sudden scorching heat attacks my weak and dying body.

No.Get this heat away from me! It's too hot!

As I clawed furiously on my body,ripping off my remaining cloths, Blake walked in with eyes filled with lust. Oh dear...

"Strawberries and vanilla... delicious. Wait till I feast on you, you will be screaming my name so loudly and you would be itching for more... lucky me. Muahahaha... " He grinned like an idiot.That is soo disgusting, how did I even land here? Oh ya,my 'father' sold me to this jerkface here. Idiotic James. Bastard Blake..oh,that rhymes! Bastard Blake... just love it .

Dreaming of taking my v-card? Think again jerkface,you're an idiot if you think you can get it. Dream as long as you want but it will still be out of your grip.

Carter's POV:

Damn...its the third day already. She will be in her heat sooner or later today. Ranger had been restless ever since we marked her as he itches to complete the mating process with her ,to claim her officially as ours. Ours, it sounds really nice calling her ours.

"Ranger,when will she be in heat?" I mind-linked Ranger,looking up from the requests sent from the pack members for my help.


"NOW?! You mean like right at this moment?!"

"Yup? Why do you sound so surprised?"

"Are you dumb or what? She is in heat while she is being held captive by that bastard. He could do anything to her now while we sit here and daydream. You want some popcorn ? Or cotton candy?" I replied pissed off with his retardedness.

"Oh...damn. Wait till I get my hands on our mate. I will make sure we do not leave our room for next few days. Ahh..imagine her spread out on our bed and her moans . Her screams of our name would be music to our ears..." He continued blabbering on and on,making me harder every second as he speaks of our mate.

"Oh shut up you horny dog." I interrupted him ,hoping that he shuts up or I would not be able to handle it.

"Oh,I know you love it."He smirked internally.

"Gosh,I going to take a cold shower now,I really couldn't take it."

"Horny human."

"Whatever,not as horny as you though."

I turned off the link as I went into the bathroom to clam down.













.So what do you guys think? Hope it is still ok until now.

Oh dear, Selena is in heat! Most of the guys are also turning very horny over her.

Stay tune for more! See ya next time! Good bye!

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Hope to see you guys again. ;)

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