She's Gone? (Part 1)

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Carter's POV:

That's it! I can't just sit here and do nothing! Its been 4 weeks since I've heard anything from Selena. 4 torturing weeks! I refuse to do anything or see anyone. She might be dead by now. I don't want to know.

Cade and David had been fussing over me ,the whole pack has been bombarding me with questions and most kept asking if I'm alright and the pack's slut keeps coming to me! What's wrong with everyone?! Can't I have some peace and quiet for me to keep my mind away from my mate?

That's it! I can't be a useless mate. I need to find her. My pack need their Luna and I need my mate. I'm such an idiot. To think I was going to give up on my mate. My mate!Urgh...I such a shithead. Just as I was about to get to work(aka continue finding Selena), a knock came from my door. I trudged over and slammed it open to find Kevin,our pack's messenger trembling with fear in the walkway.He took out a letter and passed it to me with trembling hands and shaking legs. Before I could even ask him what is it about,he shouted,"I'msorryAlphabutyoumightnotbegladafterseeingtheletterandIhaveafamilytofeed.I'msorry!" ,before scurrying away quickly to the kitchen.

I held up the letter to eye level when a scent hit me. Its smells metallic and a little of vanilla and strawbe...Selena!Mate! Fuck! Is that her blood?

I ripped open the envelope and took out the letter which is covered in my mate's blood.

It writes:

Hey Alpha(note the sarcasm),

I have your pretty little mate here. You know? She is soooo wonderful in bed! Her tight little pussy wrapped around my hardness ? Just wonderful and wow! Extremely breathtaking. Her moans are like music in my ears.She is so broken that you would not even want her now but never mind that,my pack and I will help you take extreme good care of her.Dun worry,we will enjoy her company.Even all my boys love her in bed.They say she's amazing. We also tattooed her! Tattoos of different colours and sizes,proving that she's ours. Oh's a present from me. You will looove it for sure. Be sure to watch. Muahahaha!


I immediately typed the link into my computer and I do not want to tell you what is it. It's just so horrible! How can they do that?! There are videos of her being tortured and abused by that bastard and other members and her being sexually abused,mostly consisting of them raping her. Her cries lasted only for the first few videos and the rest,she just kept quiet. She gave up. her eyes were dull,no life is shown. Her body bloody and beaten.Blood flowing like tap water out of her cuts and ...she is literally broken.

My blood boiled as my wolf scratched to take control so he could kill that inhuman monster.I couldn't take it. I need to get her now or else it might be too late.I called for an emergency meeting,gathering all my strongest warriors and fighters.

As soon as they are gathered,the only thing on my mind is,"We are going to save your Luna,my Mate.Tonight,you will be back in my arms. I promise."

Selena's POV:

"Please,let me go. I promise I would not tell anyone anything." I begged for the final time .If he is not stepping down,I am and I will.

"No. Just shut up! You had been asking for the past few weeks!Aren't you bored always asking the same thing?"He snarled as he walked out once again.He comes in every hour either alone or with someone else.Either rapping me or abusing me.Its always this or that.I don't want to live anymore.I want to be free from all these shit. I want to be like a bird in the skies.

I'm sorry Moon Goddess but after I'm free,can you let me be with mom?I miss her. I want to be with her forever. Please.

After he left,I picked up the blade his men left behind accidentally a few days ago and sharpened it using the bed frame.This should be sharp enough,I thought to myself as I admire my finished work. The blade ,rusty and sharp,one plunge and it will be deadly. I laid back down on the 'bed' and took the knife up,hovering it just above my chest. I mind linked Carter once agin but I know he will never receive it. Goodbye Carter.I am glad that I am able to find you just before I die.Even though we have ups and downs,I enjoyed spending every moment with you and mating with you is the best thing I've ever done. When I'm gone,I want you to move on ,find a new mate to rule your pack...just remember me as a person who once fell hopelessly in love with you and now in a better place. I love you Carter. Forever... I rose the knife up and plunged it deep into my chest.That's better...I'm finally in peace.The pain soon became pleasure as darkness rocked me to sleep.

Carter's POV:

"Alpha,we're getting ready to train our fightest for the rescue of our Luna."

"Good.I'll see you in a sec." I got up and changed into my training shorts and Nike sports shoe. Just as I was about to stand up ,my head kept buzzing as my vision blurred. I sat back down to stabilize myself when I heard someone speak to me through the mind link. It Selena! She's alive!

Goodbye Carter.I am glad that I am able to find you just before I die.Even though we have ups and downs,I enjoyed spending every moment with you and mating with you is the best thing I've ever done. When I'm gone,I want you to move on ,find a new mate to rule your pack...just remember me as a person who once fell hopelessly in love with you and now in a better place. I love you Carter. Forever...

My heart constricted and the pain I feel rips me into two.My neck burned as I heard the mark sizzled,burning away. can't be...impossible...she can't be dead...I do not believe she's dead!

No! Selena! Nooo!

I broke down.I couldn't help but cry. She's dead...dead! We did not even get the chance to have our own pups.She sounded so broken and tired....she's tired of living. Why did I not plan earlier?! Why?! Why?! WHYYY?!

That son of a bitch 'Alpha' will pay. He WILL pay. He will pay for his sins and his crimes.He took away my mate from ME! He kidnapped her,torture,abuse and rape her,make her suffer and kil-killed her! He fucking killed her! She is just a innocent girl! How can he kill her?! She did not even offend him!

'Warriors,we attack now.No time to lose. We must at least bring her body back.' Many asked questions while some just howled in approval. I know they are just worried for their Luna but their questions are just irritating my ass.

'I'll explain later. We need to go now.You know our plan so stick to it.Look over one another and help out but try not to act hero. Understand?' I commended in Alpha tone.

'Yes Alpha!'

I will take revenge .I will not spare him.He will die! He took away my most precious thing,now,I will take his,which is...his life. Rest in peace my love. I will find you shortly.I can't find anyone else to love because...because your my everything.







Hey guys,I would like to thank ya for reading.Thank you for your support. I will continue doing my best in writing the perfect story for ya'll.

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