Double Trouble

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Sigh...why don't people read? Is it really that boring? Please tell me if it is boring and tell me how I can improve it. I will try out everything just to have readers. Sigh...well this is the next chapter,so read on if there's anyone even reading this...

Carter's POV:

I watch as she snuggles closer into me as her chest rises and sinks everytime she breathes in and out. She tosses over, almost falling off the bed at her actions. I chuckled as I immediately grabbed onto her body, lifting her back up before she could even facepalm the ground. 

"Morning Carter." Selena yawns out as she rubs her eyes cutely. "Morning babe, morning to you two my little pups." I lean down giving her a morning kiss before moving on to her stomach where our pups are."Lets go wash up before getting some food, shall we?" I bow down, placing my hand out for her grasp. "Yes my knight, lets  go bathe and get some food." She extends out her hand, slipping hers in mine. When we reach the bathroom, she immediately let go and ran into the bathroom, locking the door.

" up.."I whine as I bang the doors. 

"No Carter, at least give me some privacy."She scolded me from the bathroom as she turns on the shower. Sighing, I trudge towards our bed and slumped down face down, waiting for her to come out. After what seems like forever, she finally came out but...wrong move.She is in her birthday suit with only a small towel just able to cover her privates but still showing much of her buttocks  and her cleavage. "Are you trying to kill me love?" I hug her from behind as I buried my head into my mark on her shoulder, running my tongue around it. She shivers slightly, wrapping her towel tighter around her body.

"Lets go get breakfast." She suggested. I nodded slightly before jumping into the tub for a quick shower and throwing on a random casual checkered tee and long, skinny jeans. I exit the bathroom to see Selena lying on the bed in a sakura pink spaghetti-strapped sundress. "Lets go milady." I tried saying it in a British accent. As I say, I tried so I obviously failed doing so making Selena roar in laughter. Nevertheless, she hooks her arms around mine as I guide her slowly down the stairs to the kitchen. 

"Can I have pancakes with bacon? Lots and lots of bacon?  Pweaseeee.May I?" She showed me her puppy eyes as she stook out her bottom lips. Even if she doesn't do that, I will do it for her. What can I say,she's my mate and she's carrying my pups."Ok my queen. Please sit here as you wait for your food to arrive in a short while." I settled her on one of the chairs as I went into the kitchen to grab food for both of us. I filled one plate with 4 pancakes and 10 bacons, another with 6 pancakes, 15 bacons and scrambled eggs. As I walk out, I find David, Cade and their mates sitting around the table with their mates as they talk excitingly together with Selena with their mouth full with food. 

I set the food down in front of Selena as we dug in hungrily.

Selena's POV:

"Favorite food?"

Well apparently we decided to play 10 questions.So he starts first.

"Ramen. You?"


"Wow,it seems like we both love eating Japanese food. Favourite pastime?"

"Swimming and having sex with you.You?"

"Seriously Carter? Must you? Mine is eating and reading."

"Favourite idol? Mine is Hugh Jackman."

"Mine is Paul Walker. He is so hot."

"Mine!" He growls out jealously. Childish.

"How many she-wolves had you slept with, before me?"

"Ermmm..err...4? How did you know you're pregnant? " I can tell you that I'm extremely mad but it is in the past I forgive him.

"My mom told me when I so called died, but she said that I only have one pup so she is wrong in that way but I'm still happy I bear your pups," he blushes slightly,covering it with a cough,"how many pups do you want?"

"9 or maybe more."I would spit out my water if there's any at the first place but sadly, no. 9 pups? I am not a pup popping machine dude."Favourite dressing?"

"I wear anything that is not uncomfortable or too flashy.Favorite childhood moment?"

"When me and my family went out to the ocean for a vacation in Hawaii. You?" 

"Before my mum died and before my father went cuocuo aka nuts."

"Sorry. Favourite movie?"

"Hey, it's my turn Carter. Never mind it's alright. Full name?"

"Carter Alexander Henderson. You?"

"Selena Saffron Walterson."

"Which pack did you come from?" 

"Co...Cool...Blood...Pack."He snarls upon that pack name as he pulls me into his comforting arms."What pack am I in?"

"The Blue Moon Pack. " He says proudly as I rolled my eyes."Ok, that's enough for today my dear. Please get some rest while I complete my work. I'll be in my office if you need me." He lays me gently on the bed and pressed a kiss on my forehead before he is about to exit.

iI built up my courage before asking what I've been wanting to ask since I woke up from the dead.

" Carter, are James and Blake still alive?" 

Carter's POV:

" Carter, are James and Blake still alive?" 

That was unexpected from her. I stood dead in my tracks before understanding the current situation. Selena is pregnant with my pups while there are two maniacs out to get her. Selena is not safe, as well as our pups. "Yes, they are still alive, but I will not let them even touch you or our pups. Trust me."

I saw fear in her eyes for a moment when I said that they are still alive but relieve swept through her as she believes that I will definitely keep my promise and protect her from harms way even though I failed a few times before.  She is just too good for me.








So...yup! Both of them are still alive and out for her but when will they strike? That's a problem. Will they strike when Selena is in labour, before labour or after? Blood and tears will be shed but the question is,who would shed the tears and who will shed the blood?

Stay tune to find out. The next chapter will be out soon so be sure to read it! ;)

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