He's Back

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Selena's POV:

" Alpha! Alpha! "

"Can you quiet down ?!"

"I'm sorry Alpha,but you have to see this. I think he's back once more."

"Him? In terms of him?"

"Yes Alpha. Are you going to come down now?"

"Yes. Oh ya,do not breathe a word about this to anyone else,especially to your Luna. She had just given birth to our future Alpha ,I don't want her to worry about anything or even stress her out. Get that?"

" Yes Alpha,I got it. "

"See you in a minute,meet me outside my office. Bye."

"Yes Alpha,goodbye."


He is back...but who is he? Is he Blake or is it James( if I remembered her father's name correctly)? How could he not want anyone to tell me this? It is a very serious matter and people will get hurt or killed just because of me! I can't be selfish. I'm their Luna, the one they all look up to for safety and respectfully. Who cares,I'm going to follow Carter and see what is going on.

I hopped of my bed feeling a little lightheaded . I stumbled a little before I got a footing on the ground. Now,to find out what happened....

I rushed out of the room just in time to see Joshua,one of our warriors, leading Carter downstairs. I crept behind them ,slowly following them to their destination. As we went down the stairs,out of the pack house, 50 yards down south,take a sharp turn to the right,they finally halted in front of a tree.

Hiding behind one of the trees,I stuck out my hear to hear their conversation.

"This is the place Alpha."

" Thank you Joshua. So tell me , what did u saw ?"

I peeped out from my hiding spot slightly...

"There. Look at that dead body."

Joshua said ,pointing to a dead and lifeless corpse which I didn't even know existed there at the first place!

" Is it one of our pack members, because I doubt so."

"No,its not Alpha. It belongs to a rogue but take a closer look at it. At its paw."

Carter stepped cautiously closer to the dead corpse and inspected the paw. Personally,I don't think there is anything though...wait...what's that Carter is holding? A note? What does it say? Carter unwrapped the note and read it seriously . His facial muscles hardened and his eyes turned black with not lust but anger.

" Thank you Joshua, let's go back now to avoid suspicions. I don't want Selena to suspect anything. Remember,do not tell anyone."

" Yes Alpha,shall we?"

Carter nodded stiffly and both of them shifted into their wolves as they dashed back.

Blow! Carter is going to find out I'm gone unless....

Yup,I'll take the short cut route back . I ran like my life counted on it back to the pack house,practically flew upstairs and jumped into my bathroom bathtub ,trying to pretend that I'm wet because of bathing. That shall do wouldn't it?

Creakkk... oh shit,oh shit,he's here. Stay calm.

"Selena..are you alright?"

Here goes nothing...."Er...yup...I guess ..I mean,of course I am!"

"Selena...you sure you're alright,cuz you don't sound like you are."
Damn it..." Yes,I sure Carter...um...why don't you help me check on the pups first....Er...I getting...dried up? Ya,I getting dried up."

"Um....alright then,if you say so."

The door slams shut as Carter exited probably confused but oh well,at least he got tricked my my acting skills. Woohoo to me! Hip hip hooray! Now...time to get that note from Carter...how should I do that... Oh,I got it!

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